Your personal charism

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How do you tend to lean as far as your own spiritual charism. I don’t mean are you charismatic, but your charism…if you are charismatic, that is your charism…
Are you quiet and reserved…or talkative and outgoing.
Some of us are more about corporal works of mercy…some are more about spiritual works of mercy.
And how about an order…do you tend to lean toward (like) a certain spirituality like Franciscan, Dominican, Carmelite, Passionist etc…

I tend to be the quite reserved and old fashioned type even though young…and I like the Carmelite spirituality.
I like ordery and traditional things.
I don’t believe in labels, but I do believe in the charisms of the Holy Spirit & using/working in these precious gifts to glorify God & edify the Church. I’ve witnessed healings on several occasions through the laying on of hands by myself & in the company of others in prayer. I’ve been told by family & friends that The Lord has blessed me with the gifts of Wisdom, Knowledge & Discerment. I have also spoken in the gift of Prophesy & have Interpretted others tongues of several occasions. I also pray using the gift of Tongues & have since the age of 11.

I am sometimes reserved unless in defense of Holy Mother Church, I have little patience for heretics that try to attack our Holy Catholic Church. I truly believe that the Church is in such great turmoil these days because “catholics” refuse to surrender to the Holy Spirit.

I have been greatly influenced by St. Francis & would someday like to enter into his order, My girlfriend & I have discussed contacting John Michael Talbot’s Brothers & Sisters of Charity & maybe make a trip to his hermitage in Arkansas.
Dj Roy Albert:
I don’t believe in labels, but I do believe in the charisms of the Holy Spirit & using/working in these precious gifts to glorify God & edify the Church. I’ve witnessed healings on several occasions through the laying on of hands by myself & in the company of others in prayer. I’ve been told by family & friends that The Lord has blessed me with the gifts of Wisdom, Knowledge & Discerment. I have also spoken in the gift of Prophesy & have Interpretted others tongues of several occasions. I also pray using the gift of Tongues & have since the age of 11.

I am sometimes reserved unless in defense of Holy Mother Church, I have little patience for heretics that try to attack our Holy Catholic Church. I truly believe that the Church is in such great turmoil these days because “catholics” refuse to surrender to the Holy Spirit.

I have been greatly influenced by St. Francis & would someday like to enter into his order, My girlfriend & I have discussed contacting John Michael Talbot’s Brothers & Sisters of Charity & maybe make a trip to his hermitage in Arkansas.
So, I read this and couldn’t help but think…WOW! That’s amazing…do you want a merit badge or something?
maybe you should try humility…😃 😉
Seriously, you may be a wonderful person, but no one likes when people boast.
Remember in the scriptures the people who Jesus said would tell Him “Lord didn’t we cast out demons and perform great works in your name?” And He will say, “depart from me, for I know you not”…this is something we all must fear…we all (Including myself) need humility.
Pardon me if I sound offensive, but it is hard to read things like that.
So, I read this and couldn’t help but think…WOW! That’s amazing…do you want a merit badge or something?
maybe you should try humility…😃 😉
Seriously, you may be a wonderful person, but no one likes when people boast.
Remember in the scriptures the people who Jesus said would tell Him “Lord didn’t we cast out demons and perform great works in your name?” And He will say, “depart from me, for I know you not”…this is something we all must fear…we all (Including myself) need humility.
Pardon me if I sound offensive, but it is hard to read things like that.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
So, I read this and couldn’t help but think…WOW! That’s amazing…do you want a merit badge or something?
maybe you should try humility…😃 😉
Seriously, you may be a wonderful person, but no one likes when people boast.
Remember in the scriptures the people who Jesus said would tell Him “Lord didn’t we cast out demons and perform great works in your name?” And He will say, “depart from me, for I know you not”…this is something we all must fear…we all (Including myself) need humility.
Pardon me if I sound offensive, but it is hard to read things like that.
It seemed to me that that sort of response was well suited to the original question.
Many that post here have found their Charism in a Secular Order. Mine is with the Franciscans.
It seems my Charism is to drive people on these websites batty by being politically/religiously incorrect.

I am the Lord’s Jalapeño!

So, I read this and couldn’t help but think…WOW! That’s amazing…do you want a merit badge or something?
maybe you should try humility…😃 😉
Seriously, you may be a wonderful person, but no one likes when people boast.
Remember in the scriptures the people who Jesus said would tell Him “Lord didn’t we cast out demons and perform great works in your name?” And He will say, “depart from me, for I know you not”…this is something we all must fear…we all (Including myself) need humility.
Pardon me if I sound offensive, but it is hard to read things like that.
I however found this response to be very imature, uneducated and quite offensive to point, laugh, or belittle anyone sharing. Sharing your oppinion need not be that crass. As my (wonderful) father once said, “Diplomacy my lady, it is not wrong to have an oppinion, but it is in the delivery that one can loose great strength. It is in how you say something that makes and defines the person you are!”

The thread asked if you could share what ones, or “lables” we might observe in our own persons. It did not ask if you believed it, or ask you to laugh…

I KNOW mine, but in this company…i hold back! :cool:
It seems my Charism is to drive people on these websites batty by being politically/religiously incorrect.

I am the Lord’s Jalapeño!

jalapenos are yummy! stuffed with cheese or tuna.
So, I read this and couldn’t help but think…WOW! That’s amazing…do you want a merit badge or something?
maybe you should try humility…😃 😉
Seriously, you may be a wonderful person, but no one likes when people boast.
Remember in the scriptures the people who Jesus said would tell Him “Lord didn’t we cast out demons and perform great works in your name?” And He will say, “depart from me, for I know you not”…this is something we all must fear…we all (Including myself) need humility.
Pardon me if I sound offensive, but it is hard to read things like that.
1 COR 1:31 "Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord"

2 COR 10:8 **“And even if I should boast a little too much of our authority, which the Lord gave for building you up not for tearing down, I shall not be put to shame”

The Lord has used me as His instrument… if that’s a problem for you then take it up with Him. I have not always served God, from the age of 14 to 18 I left the Church & served satan & hurt a lot of people, so I have reason to rejoice in the good works that God has done with & through me since He accepted me back into His arms when I was 18 & after I had left the Church again just 2 years ago I have returned yet again. YES, I have cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ, & I have been instrumental in helping friends be delivered from drugs & several other afflictions. If you knew the person I once was you would know that it was only through surrendering to God’s Spirit in humility that I could be used to glorify God. So it is right that I would boast in the Lord much like St. Paul did.

God Bless.
Dj Roy Albert said:
1 COR 1:31 "Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord"

2 COR 10:8 **“And even if I should boast a little too much of our authority, which the Lord gave for building you up not for tearing down, I shall not be put to shame”

The Lord has used me as His instrument… if that’s a problem for you then take it up with Him. I have not always served God, from the age of 14 to 18 I left the Church & served satan & hurt a lot of people, so I have reason to rejoice in the good works that God has done with & through me since He accepted me back into His arms when I was 18 & after I had left the Church again just 2 years ago I have returned yet again. YES, I have cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ, & I have been instrumental in helping friends be delivered from drugs & several other afflictions. If you knew the person I once was you would know that it was only through surrendering to God’s Spirit in humility that I could be used to glorify God. So it is right that I would boast in the Lord much like St. Paul did.

God Bless.

I can relate with you. Humility is being able to acknowledge and recognize that God has given you gifts which you unselfishly use to glorify HIm and promote His reign in this life. You know that you are just an instrument. You have not owned to those gifts. You have acknowledged that these gifts and charisms came from God and I don’t see anything wrong with that. Yes, like St. Paul I agree that if we should boast, we should boast of the things that God has done to our life rather than boast of the things that we do for Him. Keep up the good work, my friend.

God bless,

This thread is closed. Thanks to all who participated in the discussion.
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