Your top 5 favorite Catholic books (not counting Bible)

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What are your favorite top 5 Catholic books (not counting the Bible)? 😉😎
  1. The Confessions (of st Augustine)
  2. Little Flowers of Assisi
  3. Padre Pio a true story.
  4. Dark night of the Soul
  5. With God In Russia
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Diary of St Faustina
Story of a Soul
True Devotion to Mary
Introduction to the Devout Life
The LittleFlowers of St Francis of Assisi
The Way
In Conversation with God
My Way of Life
The interior castle
The imitation of Christ
Manual for spiritual warfare
Confessions of St Augustine
Glories of mary
Maybe not in 1-5 order as written but top 5 that have struck a chord with me that I have read thus far
I. Secret of the Rosary
II. Diary of Saint Faustina
III. Devotion to the Sacred Heart
IV. Secret of Mary
V. True Devotion to Mary
Diary of St. Faustina
Imitation of Christ
The Day Christ was Born/The Day Christ Died
Fatima: In her Own Words by Sr. Lucia
City of God
  1. The Catechism
  2. The Ukrainian Catholic Catechism
  3. The Didache
  4. The Philokalia
  5. The Patrologia Greca & Latina
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  1. Saint Padre Pio Miracles of the Cross
  2. Saint padre pio a true story
  3. Fr patrick Peyton Ear of God
  4. The miracle ship- John Gillespie
My parents just gave me a book on solanus casey which is apparently really good
  1. Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian
  2. The Paradise of the Holy Fathers
  3. The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology
  4. Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body
  5. The Catechism in Examples
A man after my own heart!

I was a bit dissapointed reading the first replies and seeing no Eastern love 💘

I think in general us Roman Catholics are woefully unaware of the treasures of the Orient.
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1 Erasmus : Handbook of the Militant Christian
2 St Augustine : Confessions
3 Treasure in Clay : Autobiography of Fulton J Sheen
4 Thomas A Kempis : The Imitation of Christ
5 Thomas Merton : The Seven Story Mountain
  1. The Rule of St. Benedict
  2. Revelations of Divine Love, by Julian of Norwich
  3. The Cloud of Unknowing
  4. The Seven Storey Mountain, by Thomas Merton
  5. The Way of the Heart, by Henri J. M. Nouwen
It was difficult to pick just one of the many books I like by both Merton and Nouwen

A 6th favorite, The Way of a Pilgrim and The Pilgrim Continues His Way, is an Orthodox classic, but this Catholic loves it too.
  1. True Devotion to Mary
  2. True Devotion to Mary
  3. True Devotion to Mary
  4. True Devotion to Mary
  5. True Devotion to Mary
Honorable mention: Diary of Saint Faustina 🙂
  1. Dante, The Divine Comedy
  2. Pascal, Pensees
  3. Augustine, The Confessions
  4. Waugh, Helena
  5. Pascal, The Provincial Letters
Non Fiction:

Frank Sheed “To Know Christ Jesus”
Fulton Sheen “The World’s First Love”
Jacques Philippe “Searching For and Maintaining Peace”
Caryll Houselander “The Reed of God”
Dorothy Day “The Reckless Way of Love”
I’m a Maronite Catholic who has also spent years among the Melkites. 🙂
The way of the Pilgrim, although not catholic, is the most spiritual book I’ve ever read after the Bible and the Confessions of Saint Augustine.
I’ve had a hard time with the Philokalia, hard to explain but sounded too foreign…
but I will give it a try again someday
Despite loving Blaise Pascal works, I believe he doesn’t fit the definition proposed by OP as he was a jansenist.
Story of a Soul
Divine Intimacy
The Lord by Msgr Romano Guardini
Commentary on the Song of Songs by Bernard of Clairvaux
Contemplative Prayer by Thomas Merton

I have to say I also truly enjoy The Way of the Pilgrim, despite it being Russian Orthodox spirituality. There is a lot Catholics can learn from it.
The ones I’ve read:
  1. Rome Sweet Home
  2. Catholic and Christian
  3. Catechism Part 1 (reading 2 time)
  4. Faith of our Cathers
  5. Catholicism and Fundamentalism
    Am open to suggestions as I haven’t started RCIA classes. Still have to break the news to my Protestant wife!!! I am not a whimp. This is a very tenuous subject.
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