Welcome Edwin,
Hi,I am not catholic and read a NKJV bible and I believe it is an authoritive work.
No one here is disputing any particular version of Scripture, that’s one main point they were making, there are several, use them all. Some are better for general readability, some are better for serious study, and some are better for literal translation, etc. I, as a Catholic, often associate people who will only use one translation, and reject any other, as being closed minded. It’s an obvious prejudice of mine, please forgive me. As long as you use Scripture as was canonized in the 4th century, and includes all of the books used by our Lord, Jesus the Christ. Some protestant bibles do not include all of the Old Testament, books which our savior used. They reject books used by Jesus. I sincerely hope you use a complete bible.
Jesus gave testimony to the old testament and the new was written by people, who like Jesus, had works as a witness to their position in Christ or were direct close associates of the apostles.
Well, yes and no, the people who wrote Scripture were not “like Jesus”. Sorry, no one has ever or will ever be “like Jesus”, He is God. I am not saying I believe there is error in Scripture, there is none, however, it is written by man, inspired by God. Another valid point is that the languages spoken in biblical times are very different to modern languages. Even though the original Word contains no errors, meanings and teachings can be misconstrued by translations. We must always keep in mind the message, ( 2 Tm 3,14) not the language.
The bible tells me to hold onto the truth I have because overriding all of this is the Holy Spirit the real author.
the bible tells you also to hold on to the traditions passed down to you. To hold on to the “oral” as well as the written. Jesus did not tell His Apostles to write a book. “The Church of the living God” is the “pillar and foundation of truth” (1 Tm 3,14-15), not (only) the Written Word.
Now since I have the Holy Spirit as Comforter and Guide there is not any need to keep updating the Holy Scripture after the chosen apostles had finished their witnessing.
Who has updated Holy Scripture? Are you referring to the Bible as Scripture, or are you discussing all Scripture to include Tradition?
If you need the extra written word handed down by various people I would ask you where is the Holy Spirit in your life.
The fact that the Holy Spirit is still with us today, as our Lord promised, would lead me to conclude that not only is the written word to be followed but the Church that Jesus established.
This is turning into a silly debate; “them” against “us” and that is not Christian. As you said” One of my problems with the catholic faith, and I know so very little about it”. I agree, one of the problems is you “know so very little about it”, you’ve been fed anti-Catholic rhetoric so long you know no better. I invite you to learn, the more you learn about the Catholic Church the closer you’ll come to the Church Jesus established. I strongly recommend a book written by Karl Keating, “Catholicism and Fundamentalism”
May the peace and love of our Lord, Jesus the Christ, be with you and may the Holy Spirit guide you to truth.