I will try to make this as concise as I can.
Personally, I think that allowing teens to drink in their parents home, with parental supervision (not in bed asleep) is ok. It allows them a safe environment to see that beer is not that amazing, learn the effects, all while not being allowed to get sick, drive, interact with people in an unsafe or immoral way.
However, I do not think that allowing a person under 21 to drink unsupervised by adults is safe or moral. I also think that it is worse when young men and young women are drinking together unsupervised. I am in a bit of a discussion/disagreement with a family member about this topic as their son recently (and has been doing so for some time) been drinking alcohol as an 18 year old, with other underage people, and even ppl 21 and older, with just “the guys” and also some young women. This is occurring without adult supervision (again, a parent being in bed asleep, asleep on the couch or otherwise not directly supervising them does not count as supervision) and in various locations. In our state, it is legal for a minor to consume alcohol on their private property, with parental permission and supervision. I personally think he should not be allowed to consume alcohol without a responsible adult (i,e, a parent) present and he should at least not be drinking with young women around as many different things could happen with the diminished capacity for reason and ability to make moral decisions. Am I overreacting?
Personally, I think that allowing teens to drink in their parents home, with parental supervision (not in bed asleep) is ok. It allows them a safe environment to see that beer is not that amazing, learn the effects, all while not being allowed to get sick, drive, interact with people in an unsafe or immoral way.
However, I do not think that allowing a person under 21 to drink unsupervised by adults is safe or moral. I also think that it is worse when young men and young women are drinking together unsupervised. I am in a bit of a discussion/disagreement with a family member about this topic as their son recently (and has been doing so for some time) been drinking alcohol as an 18 year old, with other underage people, and even ppl 21 and older, with just “the guys” and also some young women. This is occurring without adult supervision (again, a parent being in bed asleep, asleep on the couch or otherwise not directly supervising them does not count as supervision) and in various locations. In our state, it is legal for a minor to consume alcohol on their private property, with parental permission and supervision. I personally think he should not be allowed to consume alcohol without a responsible adult (i,e, a parent) present and he should at least not be drinking with young women around as many different things could happen with the diminished capacity for reason and ability to make moral decisions. Am I overreacting?