I’m not sure if I will contact her. I’ve known her for some time, but it seems we disagree on many issues. For example, we went to an event in another province, and she was a chaperone, and we were discussing ordination, and I said the church would not change on a male-only priesthood, because it’s part of our faith, and she was saying that things change and doctrine “develops” and she thinks they might have female priests, which is actually not possible.
Another time, we disagreed on the fact that children were receiving first communion BEFORE going to first confession. Then I said they must go to confession for any mortal sins before they can receive communion, and she said she didn’t think young people around 7 could understand venial and mortal sin.
On the previously mentioned trip, I think the topic of Adam and Eve also came up, and she sort of seemed to just downplay that completely. I think she was basically saying it is just a fairy tale and we don’t need to pay attention to it. I argued that there are essential elements that we must hold as Catholics, but I don’t think she knew what I meant much.
Anyway, since I don’t actually come into contact with her often nowadays, and I am just on her mailing list, I think I might let it go. I cannot see it being productive to bring that up at this point, since she would probably dismiss what I say anyway.