Yugioh and Pokemon (and others) trading cards

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What do you folks think of these cards? I have five kids, and only my seven year old boy is starting to develop an interest in Yugioh cards. I don’t know why, but I get a bad feeling about these cards, and I would appreciate some guidance from those of you that know more about them, and how they have affected (or not affected) your kids - aggression, obsession, etc. Thanks very much.
They are just a game, as i have seen. My nephew plays them all the time, he’s fine, no aggression or obsession problems.
I don’t allow my 7yo to have these or anything to do with Pokemon. I got the same uneasy feeling about the whole thing. We have really cut out many of the “influences” that most kids his age have. We are trying to foster the childrens playtime with things centered around their faith. Reading holy saint books, or something educational.I would love to find the Mass kit, where they can play Mass. Most of the toys they have are wholesome, wood blocks, legos, k’nex, etc. They do have some character toys but those have been gifts from grandparents. We are trying to encourage different gifts but it is a slow process. The other thing they really like is Rescue heros and anything military. I think that comes from daddy coming off of a 15 month deployment. So, its out of heroism not violence.

Sorry to ramble
Just my opinion, but if you feel uneasy about them then don’t allow them. There are lots of other things out there.

That being said, my 11 year old has been playing YuGiOh, along with his father, for several years. Pokemon before that. As games they are strategic, like chess, and promote thinking ahead and determining which cards are best played together, etc.

I don’t like some of the names of the cards that refer to monsters, spirits, etc. but my son is relatively mature for his age and can tell the difference between the fantasy and reality. Each parent would have to make that call for their own child.👋
My son has played both of these games, and has been obsessive about them at times, but he has obsessed over other activities too. Just something about his personality, I guess. (Examples of less suspiscious obsessions: American Sign Language, juggling, or learning different bus routes around the city)

In any case, I have found none of these to have been spiritually harmful. I know, because (like any good parent) I talk to him about his interests. (And sometimes, when any of his obsessions gets out of hand, we talk about it and put limits on it)

The most serious effect of his obsessions: My wallet. Luckily he earns his own money these days, and in parental teach-'em-the-value-of-a-dollar mode, it has less of an impact on me personally now. 😉

(Half-joke: What does “Pokemon” mean?
It’s Japanese for “stupid round-eyes will buy anything” 😛 )
They do contain elements of fantasy and magic. if you think your son might confuse fantasy with reality because of his age, then wait. Otherwise, its just a game. One postive not is that they solve the problem of what to by for birthdays. I am extremely pleased my son finally grew out of that stage and is now no longer obsessed with it. Now its girls.
I am extremely pleased my son finally grew out of that stage and is now no longer obsessed with it. Now its girls.
Haha, yeah…I can’t think of any better cure to any nerdy habits that us guys sometimes pick up than a lot of interest in girls! I would know. :cool:

I used to play card games like that, only it was a lot darker than pokemon or yugioh. For a while, I played a card game called “Magic the Gathering.” I never took it very seriously, since I didn’t start playing until I was about 12 or 13…and it was entertaining, for a while too. But, eh, I stopped playing because 1) It drained me of my money! 2) It was a little dark…I didn’t like how the images on most of the cards seemed to each have a touch of evil in them. Nothing really wholesome about the game at all. 3) It seemed to be a bit nerdy, on a certain level. Also seemed like something that would repel girls. 😃

Haha, sorry for the rambling, but that’s just me saying that the card games really aren’t worth it…
My kids play with them but I have put limits because I can see how they could become obsessed with them. We will not buy all the accessories. I always remind them that these are only pieces of paper. If they ever get upset about watching the cartoon or get in agruments about the cards they loose them.
What do you folks think of these cards? I have five kids, and only my seven year old boy is starting to develop an interest in Yugioh cards. I don’t know why, but I get a bad feeling about these cards…
I think your concern is justified. Personally, I am uncomfortable with these cards myself, but for a reason no one else has yet mentioned: Japanese animation. Ugh. Even though these cards are relatively “harmless,” they remind me of an ex-boyfriend I had who was obsessed with Japanese animation! The stuff he liked was pretty tame, but suffice it to say some of it is…NOT! :eek: So not only do I associate these cards with more “mature” animation, shall we say, but I also would have the concern Max alluded to – that your kids could be drawn to potentially more dangerous role-playing games. Even though the truth is most of this stuff is really very innocent at face value, it could potentially lead to something else.

So bottom line, there is nothing “inherently evil,” per se, in allowing your kids to play with them. In fact, my friend reluctantly agreed to let her sons play with them, and has not had much of a problem. But if you DO decide to let your kids play with them, be vigilant.
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