This will surely be met with some irksome ire, but I think it's a good message for ALL Catholics.
Thanks - that's interesting stuff, especially the primary sources being cited. Apparently archaeological evidence is emerging depicting women as priests in the early Church. This information is readily available on a favorite search engine, so I won't delve into it here. I don't expect that...
Definitely an AI bot (sigh!) but I'll respond for the sake of lurkers.
According to Church teaching, the priest, serving as a vessel of Christ, must approach the altar and consecrate the Eucharist *in persona Christi.* Opponents of female ordination argue that being female undermines this...
Apologies - I was muddling your responses with the OPs posts. Recall that this thread takes the assumption that Trump was spared by God to "save the USA." But Trump's remarks about his disabled relative embody all that is evil about our culture of death . . . and they're in no way indicative...
Some of the world's most brutal dictators have survived multiple assassination attempts. Was that also a case of divine intervention?
The truth is that there's no point in speculating on God's ways. Or you might simply consider that just because somebody was "divinely spared" doesn't...
Weighing in late but I think it's fantastic that you're assisting this man in his faith journey! Especially where resources appear to be scant, do not underestimate the power of face-to-face, mind-to-mind, heart-to-heart conversations. Lean on your own knowledge of the faith - something all of...
Then why did you ask the question?
Those of us who see this level of hero-worship for the pernicious action that it is simply won't be able to accept your narrative of divine intervention.
They call it the Great Apostasy, when Christ's true teachings went into hiding for hundreds of years until the Truth was revealed. Not defending this at all, just explaining the teaching . . .
Rude and nasty people are unfortunately everywhere online. So are good ones.
Well, that's a fair point. Our Church has multiple functions and purposes, all revolving around loving God and loving our neighbor. The USCCB has multiple other programs that address these.
It's equally unhealthy to obsess over how much (if any) incense is or isn't used at Mass while...
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