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      DaveBj reacted to vz71's post in the thread Good Friday with Like Like.
      We also run into a problem with the 'heart of the earth' as well. Unless we are to believe Christ was somewhere within the core of the...
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      DaveBj replied to the thread Good Friday.
      "Three days and three nights" is a Hebrew figure of speech. When people try to make that expression walk on all fours, they run into...
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      DaveBj reacted to Cloisters's post in the thread Being alone with the opposite sex with Like Like.
      Bare minimum time together indoors. Keep window shades open, and keep both front and back doors open. He needs to be seen doing stuff...
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      DaveBj replied to the thread Being alone with the opposite sex.
      There are three ways of looking at this. 1. If you are treating the relationship in purity, and you know that you're living in purity...
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