‘Baby Lives Matter’ mural painted in front of Planned Parenthood clinic

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I think “Unborn Black Lives Matter Too” would have been better.
Black baby lives matter would have been more effective. Stop the genocide would have made people think about what abortion is more.
I had thought of putting a “Baby Lives Matter” sticker on my car, but given the present political climate, and the fact that I live in a heavily African American area, I thought it could be interpreted as trying to “piggyback” on their movement, or even trivializing their concerns, many of which are entirely legitimate. BLM may have a questionable agenda (far beyond the consciousness-raising of so many black people dying at the hands of police and others) and startling sources of funding (which would probably fall under First Amendment protections of freedom of assembly), but their core concern is entirely justified.

As I said in another thread, if African Americans are supposed to be pro-life, it’s just too bad that they couldn’t go to both parties and say “if you will support our interests, the way we want them supported, and defend the unborn, we will support you, otherwise, we won’t support you”. They could start their own party (similar to the Bloc Quebecois in Canada) and shift their vote to the party most favorable to them, extracting concessions from both in exchange for their vote, or unless Catholic doctrine is absolute on the obligation to vote — is it? — they could just stay home and not vote. Thirteen percent of the electorate is a lot of votes for any party to lose.

I hope my observations will not be seen as wanting to deprive black Americans of their hard-won right to vote. Absolutely not.
I had thought of putting a “Baby Lives Matter” sticker on my car, but given the present political climate, and the fact that I live in a heavily African American area, I thought it could be interpreted as trying to “piggyback” on their movement, or even trivializing their concerns, many of which are entirely legitimate.
Black Baby Lives Matter
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Black Baby Lives Matter
What about ‘all lives matter’ doesn’t say that?
Well, BLM was founded by Marxists. Marxists do NOT believe all lives matter.

So you can’t say “all lives matter” because Marxists don’t believe that. But pointing out that “Black Baby Lives Matter” is spotlight on Planned Parenthood.
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Black Baby Lives Matter
What about ‘all lives matter’ doesn’t say that?
Many if not most African Americans perceive that there is a singular threat to their lives, due to deeply-rooted, systemic racism. To a very large extent, I agree with them (BTW, I am white, though I prefer the term European American). Therefore, to say “your lives, and everyone else’s lives too” is perceived as insensitive and tone-deaf to their concerns. I heard it put the other day as tantamount to telling someone with terminal cancer “all illnesses matter”, or someone mourning at a loved one’s funeral “everybody eventually dies”. Basically, I see where they are coming from, and I am sympathetic to that.
Well, BLM was founded by Marxists. Marxists do NOT believe all lives matter.

So you can’t say “all lives matter” because Marxists don’t believe that. But pointing out that “Black Baby Lives Matter” is spotlight on Planned Parenthood.
I don’t know who BLM was founded by, but Marxists, and their fellow travelers, have got it down to a science, to take legitimate concerns and run with them. The serfs in Russia had valid grievances and were in need of a remedy to their circumstances. I heard it put recently that for Marxists, “the issue is never the issue — the revolution is the issue”. Disciples of Saul Alinsky’s community organizing methods — which are very, very effective — go into communities, find the levers of power, discover the people’s grievances (which are usually legitimate), raise consciousness, stoke the embers, fan the flames, and bring about the change they seek. They’re generally pretty good at it.
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I love this woman…

Fox News

Black woman dumps paint on more Black Lives Matter murals in NYC: 'We want…

A Black woman opposing the Black Lives Matter movement, who was arrested Saturday for dumping paint on a BLM street mural outside Trump Tower, livestreamed herself doing the same thing again at similar murals in Harlem and Brooklyn later that…
I can’t support vandalism (that word, too, is racially charged, but possibly having some Vandal blood myself, if you go back far enough, I can just shrug and let it go), but I think the merits of BLM versus not-BLM are best settled between black Americans themselves, and that is what seems to be happening here. People of good will can always legitimately differ among themselves, as to how best to address a temporal situation that affects them.
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I love this woman…

Fox News

Black woman dumps paint on more Black Lives Matter murals in NYC: 'We want…

A Black woman opposing the Black Lives Matter movement, who was arrested Saturday for dumping paint on a BLM street mural outside Trump Tower, livestreamed herself doing the same thing again at similar murals in Harlem and Brooklyn later that…
I can’t support vandalism (that word, too, is racially charged, but possibly having some Vandal blood myself, if you go back far enough, I can just shrug and let it go), but I think the merits of BLM versus not-BLM are best settled between black Americans themselves, and that is what seems to be happening here. People of good will can always legitimately differ among themselves, as to how best to address a temporal situation that affects them.
did you watch the video she posted afterwords? It’s about 20 minutes long
did you watch the video she posted afterwords? It’s about 20 minutes long
No, it’s been a busy day today, unexpected major car repairs, had to return defective walkie-talkies I got for my son’s science class (we’re studying radio propagation), 20-minute blocks have been kind of hard to come by today. Will do so when I can.
but I think the merits of BLM versus not-BLM are best settled between black Americans themselves, and that is what seems to be happening here.
It’s interesting how liberals seem to be embracing segregation.
People of good will can always legitimately differ among themselves, as to how best to address a temporal situation that affects them.
Well judging by what is happening in the name of BLM there is another kind of ‘wokeness’ that is going on and people are determining how to best address the situation…

I get it, but I disagree. It’s like the people that magically think you’re a racist for saying “all lives matter”. I like to say “unborn lives matter”.
Basically, I see where they are coming from, and I am sympathetic to that.
I believe the teaching of Jesus is all lives matter so that is how I will phrase it.
I just have to wonder how Our Lord would respond, if a nation or people were to protest against their fellows being killed far out of proportion to other nations or peoples, and to say, in essence, “our lives matter — quit killing us!”.
Well judging by what is happening in the name of BLM there is another kind of ‘wokeness’ that is going on and people are determining how to best address the situation…

Fox Business

Gun sales soar 145% in June amid protests, coronavirus pandemic

June marks the fourth month that has seen a noticeable increase in gun sales.
And that is their Second Amendment right, a right I exercise myself.
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