‘Baby Lives Matter’ mural painted in front of Planned Parenthood clinic

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I just have to wonder how Our Lord would respond, if a nation or people were to protest against their fellows being killed far out of proportion to other nations or peoples, and to say, in essence, “our lives matter — quit killing us!”.
More white people get killed during police interactions than black people. You can google it. There are bad police and mostly good police.

Anytime you get pulled over, or interact with a man legally carrying a gun, you need to follow instructions to the letter. When I get pulled over, I roll down the window, get my registration and drivers license and put them between my knuckles and put both hands on the steering wheel and wait for them to walk up, and I am white.

I support our law enforcement professionals, as most are honest and good people, and we need them, but they also carry Glock-19s. That is just the way it is.The chances of a misunderstanding or an escalation taking place are going to be far lower for anybody if they save their anger and indignation for a court room, and not during a police interaction.

I don’t blame anyone for wanting to demonstrate and protest. I want to protest against abortion. However, if I burn a clinic down, that is just going to play into the hands of the abortion industry, No one will have sympathy for me, and very little at that moment for my cause.

There just isn’t any reason for any of this violence and insanity. Our Lord expects us to protect ourselves, so I would guess our Lord knows exactly what is going on in this nation or any other nation, protests not withstanding.
The Vandals, from memory, were Arian Christians weren’t they?
Weren’ they initially pagans who converted later, basically after most of the wars they are most famous for were over.

They built much of Spain.
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You sent me off to this interesting article: CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Vandals

On the main topic of the thread I think there is little to be gained by telling people they should be as outraged about X as they are about Y. You see people trying it all the time and it causes only anger. It does not persuade.
I just have to wonder how Our Lord would respond, if a nation or people were to protest against their fellows being killed far out of proportion to other nations or peoples, and to say, in essence, “our lives matter — quit killing us!”.
More white people get killed during police interactions than black people. You can google it. There are bad police and mostly good police.
Yes, because there are more white people than black people (at the moment, anyway — white people’s love of small, compact, made-to-order, contraception-molded families may eventually take care of that). I would be more interested at looking at percentages and per capita rates. It’s just a fact that young black males find themselves involved with the justice system at far higher rates than any other demographic.
Anytime you get pulled over, or interact with a man legally carrying a gun, you need to follow instructions to the letter. When I get pulled over, I roll down the window, get my registration and drivers license and put them between my knuckles and put both hands on the steering wheel and wait for them to walk up, and I am white.
That is just Life 101, which unfortunately, many people either do not get, are never taught, or don’t see the point of. Body language and motion that looks threatening, sneaky, or furtive, is going to escalate things to places they need not go, even if it’s entirely innocent.
I don’t blame anyone for wanting to demonstrate and protest. I want to protest against abortion. However, if I burn a clinic down, that is just going to play into the hands of the abortion industry, No one will have sympathy for me, and very little at that moment for my cause.

There just isn’t any reason for any of this violence and insanity. Our Lord expects us to protect ourselves, so I would guess our Lord knows exactly what is going on in this nation or any other nation, protests not withstanding.
There’s a school of thought that says much of this violence, mayhem, and vandalism (oops, there I go racially profiling Germanic tribesmen again!) gets started by agitators and provocateurs who want to “kick it up a notch”, for reasons known only to them. Peaceful protestors don’t suddenly become violent. I don’t doubt that there are various groups — from all parts of the spectrum — who want to destabilize the social order, and are only too happy to burn down cities, to introduce chaos from which, they imagine, they can create order of their liking — ordo ab chao, “productive chaos”, if you will.
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