‘Hundreds’ Of Transgender People Want To Go Back To Their Birth Sex, Says Formerly Trans Woman

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I genuinely believe that treating gender dysphoria with hormones and surgery is the wrong way to treat it. Instead, people with gender dysphoria should be getting counseling to help them to accept themselves as who God made them to be and not who their mental illness wishes them to be.
I agree. But transgenderism has become so trendy at present that many doctors and psychologists just seem to want to satisfy their clients by giving them what they desire.
People with gender dysphoria do get counseling, and it’s required before hormones and surgery. Transitioning is treatment when counseling isn’t enough and transitioning doesn’t may be social only. And we also don’t know enough about gender dysphoria to know if it’s a mental illness. Intersex conditions suggest something more complex.
First, let me thank you for sharing your knowledge on this!
I have no issue with adult gender dysphorics undergoing hormone and/or surgical solutions for their gender dysphoria but I question doing these in the case of adolescence. If someone at age 13 feels they are the wrong sex, my thoughts are therapy and possibly cross dressing is ok to try but nothing that would permanently alter them.

Is it really occurring…other than illegally…that adolescents are given hormone therapy? Surgery? If so, is there that much harm in waiting until adulthood? If it isn’t happening, then those claiming it is should be called out…loudly…for false reporting. I’m just not educated enough in this area to recognize true and false statements.

Thanks in advance!
Is it really occurring…other than illegally…that adolescents are given hormone therapy?
Puberty blockers need to start before puberty; delaying them renders them pointless and will likely result in more surgery later. HRT isn’t given until later; usually starting around ages 16-18, but it is starting earlier now. And before that, the person needs to be in counseling and have socially transitioned. Surgery isn’t done until 18, but even then it’s not a thing that happens with regularity. Many who are transgender don’t need it to deal with dysphoria and even those who would benefit from surgery don’t have it because it’s expensive and there are few doctors skilled in that type of surgery.

As far as surgery the most common is “top surgery.” It’s more affordable and there are more surgeons skilled at it.
If it isn’t happening, then those claiming it is should be called out…loudly…for false reporting.
I haven’t called this out when I should have on these forums. Some people do make it sound like surgery is being done on 8 year olds, or that 3 year olds are on are hormones, in part I think, is that some people only think of transitioning as surgery or drugs. Also, if the child looks like the gender they identify as, they must have had surgery or be on hormones. And people might read an article that has condensed several years of struggle, parents advocating for their child who is tran,s and it looks like there was no struggle at all and then talk about liberal parents jumping on the bandwagon without thought.

I’m lucky because I have a couple of people dear to me that are transgender; so his isn’t a abstract thing for me. I also am not a parent of either and this gives me a bit of objectivity that the parents don’t have. Both sets of parents are what most people here would think of as liberal. Neither set of parents were not prepared to hear this from their child. When I read some post’s on CAF about parents of trans kids, it’s suggested that the parent must have pushed this on them, or encouraged it somehow. Nope. My friends were stunned and interestingly had they same reaction: "What did I do wrong?’ Unfortunately, this was said to the child (and FYI, don’t do that). One family has mostly accepted this and the other has mostly not (deadnames their child, refuses to use their preferred pronouns). The child in both cases is now an adult, late 20s and early 30s. The one who came out as a child is frustrated that no one took them seriously and is really struggling. Gender dysphoria or being transgender wasn’t talked about back then. That is one of the reason’s I talk about it on CAF and when it comes up in conversation; I see the result of this being treated dismissively.
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Thank you. I am now 67 yo and was first exposed to a transgender when I was 19. She and I were in a dance class together and everyone avoided her but I’m just too curious and outgoing to avoid someone because they are different. I invited her to coffee after class and that started a very interesting friendship that lasted until I moved away…no Facebook in those days. There really wasn’t hormone therapy back then nd surgical solutions really required one be very wealthy and able to travel out of the country.

As we became comfortable with each other, she opened up about herself and her life. Basically, all she could do to relieve her dysphoria was to dress as a woman…which she was quite good at and very feminine. She avoided therapists like the plague as this was 1971 and therapists were pretty ignorant on “help”. She was mostly happy but estranged from her parents. She had a circle of friends that were also trans. I cherish the friendship we had and her willingness to open up a bit and let me know what her world was like. I often think so many people just can not imagine what it’s like to be in the wrong body and know it…even though it’s the last thing they would want given the choice.

I understand the catholic view on sexuality and I respect their beliefs but they aren’t mine. I can only hope for understanding and respect for our fellow trans. I’m thankful for my early exposure to one that gave me great compassion for their plight and that I never had to overcome some great prejudice against them. We all deserve some happiness.
I agree. But transgenderism has become so trendy at present that many doctors and psychologists just seem to want to satisfy their clients by giving them what they desire.
Sadly this is true. Doctors seem to be increasingly in the business of pleasing customers rather than using their expertise as medical practitioners to do what is actually best for the patient. It’s no different than the Pain Management clinic prescribing ridiculous amounts of opioids. Hopefully the voice of sanity will prevail in the future.
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Good I’m glad these people have learned from their mistakes and finally regaining some sanity in their lives. God love them all.
The majority of therapists who work in the area-understandably I guess-seem to either be transgender themselves or supportive towards people changing their gender.
The majority of Psychologists,at least in Australia,are very PC and “liberal minded” (to use that term).
There are few here that offer an unbiased and level view and Christian or Muslim etc ones here are even fewer and far in between and I’m sure that those few probably don’t feel comfortable sharing their views with clients for fear of being reported as being discriminatory.

The Medical Profession as a whole is generally pro abortion,pro gender change,pro gay marriage etc.
The doctors that aren’t are usually in the minority.
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I just heard a story in the news about a doctor who refused to call transgender patients by their adopted gender. He was fired from his job. He says biology does not change when you get a gender surgery. You are the gender you were born with.
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I don’t believe that transgender people should be treated with hormones and surgery. I believe that the only acceptable medical treatment would be counseling to help them accept who God made them to be. Sadly, the vast majority of counselors out there are sympathetic to the gender ideology cause and are more than willing to help a transgender person mutilate their body into something that God did not design it to be.

What we need is treatment options that do NOT affirm their disordered thinking about their bodies. Instead, we need treatment options that help them to accept themselves for who they really are and help them to reject their false beliefs about themselves. In other words, if they’re born a female then they should have treatment which helps them to accept themselves as female and they definitely should not receive treatment that affirms them in their false belief that they actually male.
I read that apparently Jennifer Lopez’s teenage nephew feels this way and they have supported him with taking a female identity but I don’t think he has had surgery.

Due to the acceptance views of the medical profession there’s never a chance to come up with treatments that may make a person feel more like the gender they were born as.
Ie:opposite sex hormones are given but wouldn’t it be innovative to try giving the same sex hormone for their born gender that targets hormonal brain receptors and see if they feel any more at peace with their gender?

Also it goes unaddressed that a portion of people (even if small number) who experience gender dysphoria have been sexually abused.
Eg:I know someone who used to work in government public service and apparently there were a few women working there who have experienced sexual abuse as a child and now felt comfortable have a more “man like” identity (short male haircut,male clothing,male like demeanor etc).
It was like that had become their “comfort zone” which understandably makes sense if they had experienced unwanted attention/abuse as a girl child.
Holly, this is all of therapy until very recently. The problem is, it didn’t work and it still doesn’t for a majority of people. When standard therapy kept failing, therapists had to look elsewhere.
If previous treatments haven’t worked then they really need to do more research and try to find treatments that do work. It’s not right to affirm people in false beliefs about their gender.
If previous treatments haven’t worked then they really need to do more research and try to find treatments that do work. It’s not right to affirm people in false beliefs about their gender.
If some form of talk therapy doesn’t work, what other options are there? As far as I can see, the only other options are to do nothing and let the patient suffer or to use medication or medication and surgery. If hormones or puberty blockers aren’t used, the only other options involving medication are psychiatric medications that have an effect on how the brain works. But psychotropic medications are hardly harmless. Most of them have side effects. And I haven’t heard of any such medications preventing gender dysphoria.
It’s not right to affirm people in false beliefs about their gender.
That is your belief as a Catholic but what if that turns out to be what really does work? I agree we don’t know enough yet. I’m just leaving open the possibility that it will work whereas you deny any exploration in that area because it conflicts with your faith.
It is a fact that there is only male and female. What people think about their gender doesn’t matter. What God created us as is what matters. If you were born a female then God created you a female and it doesn’t matter if you think you are a male, you’re still a female.

I believe that gender theory is not real science. It seems to be almost more like pseudoscience than real science. The idea that a person can decide what gender they are is nonsense. The idea that there is biological sex and then there is gender is also nonsense. There is only biological sex. Just because someone thinks that their gender is different from their biological sex doesn’t make it true. A human being can believe they are a unicorn with all of their heart but that doesn’t change the fact that they are actually a human being and not a unicorn. What I am trying to say is that people can think all sorts of things but just because a person thinks a certain thing doesn’t mean that it is a fact.
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Homosexualality and transgender is a mental illness and should be treated as such. We need to be compassionet with everyone who has a mental illness and treat them with dignity, but we should also warn people of the consequences of their sins.
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