Thank you. I am now 67 yo and was first exposed to a transgender when I was 19. She and I were in a dance class together and everyone avoided her but I’m just too curious and outgoing to avoid someone because they are different. I invited her to coffee after class and that started a very interesting friendship that lasted until I moved away…no Facebook in those days. There really wasn’t hormone therapy back then nd surgical solutions really required one be very wealthy and able to travel out of the country.
As we became comfortable with each other, she opened up about herself and her life. Basically, all she could do to relieve her dysphoria was to dress as a woman…which she was quite good at and very feminine. She avoided therapists like the plague as this was 1971 and therapists were pretty ignorant on “help”. She was mostly happy but estranged from her parents. She had a circle of friends that were also trans. I cherish the friendship we had and her willingness to open up a bit and let me know what her world was like. I often think so many people just can not imagine what it’s like to be in the wrong body and know it…even though it’s the last thing they would want given the choice.
I understand the catholic view on sexuality and I respect their beliefs but they aren’t mine. I can only hope for understanding and respect for our fellow trans. I’m thankful for my early exposure to one that gave me great compassion for their plight and that I never had to overcome some great prejudice against them. We all deserve some happiness.