the replacement of employer-provided pensions with 401(k) savings plans and
more out-of-pocket spending on health care. Declining incomes, whether in retirement or leading up to it, compound the challenge.
In 2007-2008 under Bush, 401K’s were cut in half
Those who were forced into retirement back then, because they lost their jobs and at age 60 plus, could not find another job, ended up retiring at 62 with a 25% less in their Social Security Benefit. Added to that was the cost of medical care before they reached 65.
Some, instead of retiring at age 62, applied for disability which often gave them the full benefit as if they were already 66 years of age.
Also, as minimum wages increase and Social Security benefits remain the same, elderly have less buying power.
Some say it’s not the government’s responsibility to care for the elderly.
The same people who say this, have no problem with the government caring for the wealthy with huge tax cuts, and for large businesses getting tax loopholes for things like moving operations to China.
From a Catholic point of view, it is the government’s responsibility to care for the poor, but especially for people who paid Social Security Taxes all of their lives, with the promise of having a retirement benefit.
I know there are people in this forum who hate Social Security, as if they don’t already benefit from it.