Government involvement, I guess I put a little more faith in the political process than you.
Just to get this out of the way, as it will go a long way in explaining our differing viewpoints. I put
literally zero faith in the government to manage anything beyond the military. I don’t care who’s in office, the minute the government gets involved it becomes far less efficient, and far more wasteful and unnecessarily bloated than it otherwise could / should be.
I’m not exactly with you on the taxation for retirement support. There are 3 basic strategies to retirement savings. Pensions (annuities), personal saving, and government benefits. The problem with pensions is that they are at the whim of the provider to properly manage. clipped for length
The problem with this is that the government is only capable of providing these benefits by first taking other people’s money. It doesn’t produce anything itself, and has no way of generating revenue to cover expenses apart from taking it from people who are actually doing the producing.
We all have an obligation to support people in need, but that obligation should be exercised on the local, personal level. The government takes so much of my paycheck that I pretty much can’t afford to do any charity. That means that the money I would otherwise donate to the Church to help people locally is sucked up by the government and distributed wherever
they think there’s a need. If the government would let me keep my money, I would be able to donate to people / the Church directly, which would save a lot by avoiding red tape and bureaucracy.
I really don’t think having good health care if you have a good job is fair nor you having bad or no insurance so you wait to the last minute and either show up in the emergency room or are in worse condition had you gone in earlier.
I think having good insurance through your job is fair, and I believe that companies have an obligation to provide good insurance as best they are able. However, I also think that health sharing ministries like CMF Curo / Samaritain are the future, and are the only way most people will be able to get help if things continue on as they are.
I totally are with you on education.
I went to a trade school for drafting, and it did more good for my career than my entire college degree. I also had to teach myself the tools my profession was adopting because my professors refused to learn how to use them. Trade schools are the future. Hopefully, in time, we can escape the horrifically-bloated higher-education system we have in America, because I honestly can’t see how I’m going to be able to send my kid to college, even if I start saving now, which I can’t do because the government takes too much of my money >_>…