“Follow the Money” to George Soros

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WASHINGTON – The pro-world government group known as Citizens for Global Solutions has given campaign contributions to four Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee now opposing John Bolton’s nomination as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. In addition, according to Accuracy in Media (AIM), billionaire currency manipulator George Soros made financial contributions to six of eight Democratic members of the committee.

“Reporters like to say they ‘follow the money’ in political stories,” said AIM editor Cliff Kincaid, “but they’ve ignored the financial facts that may help explain why liberals on the Foreign Relations Committee are opposing Bolton.”

AIM’s review of Federal Election Commission (FEC) data shows that a political action committee associated with Citizens for Global Solutions contributed financially to Foreign Relations Committee members Senators Barbara Boxer, Christopher Dodd, Russell Feingold, and Barack Obama. Citizens for Global Solutions used to be known as the World Federalist Association (WFA), a group that favors world government and global taxes on American citizens to pay for it. The organization, which is leading the opposition to Bolton through television ads and a “Stop Bolton” web site, also contributed to the Republican committee chairman Senator Richard Lugar, who declined to issue a statement of support for Bolton when his nomination was announced.

Two groups explicitly associated with George Soros – the Open Society Policy Center and the American Progress Action Fund – are working with Citizens for Global Solutions to defeat Bolton. Soros, who spent $23 million in an effort to defeat President Bush’s re-election, made financial contributions to six of eight Democratic members of the Foreign Relations Committee – Senators Obama, Boxer, and Bill Nelson, Joe Biden, Paul Sarbanes, and John Kerry.

I can’t figure out why the Dems and the collective Left are in such a snit over Bolton. The UN Ambassador is a meaningless post.

As for Soros:

The Democrats finally have a financial backer. The republicans have been benefitting from right wing funding since the defeat of Goldwater in the form of Scaife Family Foundation, the John M. Olin Foundation, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Thomas Roe Foundation, the Carthage Foundation, Sun Myung Moon, Rupert Murdoch and Joseph Coors to name just a few. In excess of 40 ‘think tanks’ are funded by conservative and ultra conservative foundations or individuals. In fact the conservative policy groups dominate cable news analysis.

I applaud Soros for ponying up some cash. Now we need a few more rich Democrats to do the same.
I can’t figure out why the Dems and the collective Left are in such a snit over Bolton. The UN Ambassador is a meaningless post.
As for Soros:

The Democrats finally have a financial backer…
But he is not American and whose major purpose in life seems to be to globally legalize drug trafficking… it just gives me the creeps that some billionare who doesn’t live here is trying to influence internal politics not only here but all over the world.

We are not living under Saddam, we don’t need saving here. If the Dems want financial backers, they can get them here. If they want their rank and file to back them, then they need to figure out a way.

Having some billionare from another country throwing money around to influence US politics is not simply isn’t that the Dems should be about.

My 2-cents.
“Having some billionare from another country throwing money around to influence US politics is not simply isn’t that the Dems should be about”

So true, gilliam…Soros has his own agenda…I really don’t think he has the dems best interest at heart but some of them can’t see it…

You know I was raised a dem…and my parents were strong dems ;
good southern blue collar, union supporting …my mother was a union president…southern Baptist…etc…but the Dem party today isn’t what it use to be…where is the honorable patriots…the pride in country and the pulling together during wartime…to stand as Americans…where is the party of Scoop Jackson and JFK and Sam Nunn, Zell Miller? The stand against communism …
The Dem party in America is gone…I don’t even recogize it any more.

I am a conservative and know liberalism has failed us… :twocents:
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