Dude totally. As a Catholic, God forbid my kids ever attend Catholic schools. I’ll teach them to avoid Catholic schools for their children as well.
Horrible. They give way to liberal doctrine, or are insanely conservative that they overlook science. It’s not science OR religion, its science AND religion.
Plus, these schools are expensive. No one gets a crown for attending a Catholic school, nor do you get “heaven points.” Who cares?
Not everyone’s mommy or daddy is filthy rich to send their kids to Catholic schools. People from Catholic schools don’t deserve special treatment, and sometimes, the real world punches them in the gut. The real world is rough - sheltering kids doesn’t help.
Finally, why waste tax dollars? If you’re paying, might as well make use of it! Public schools are amazingly equipped with technology too! Also, kids don’t have to wear a stupid uniform - they can wear whatever they want.
I hate uniforms because I’ve been told they demonstrate “equality.” Basically, a poor kid won’t feel hurt that he or she can’t afford the new fad. Bull. That’s not how life works! In real life, there are haves and have-nots. And that’s fine. Maybe the kid get’s a little incentive to work harder to achieve great things! Can you imagine a world where everybody was monetarily equal? That would suck! We need some people to be better off than others, by the merits of their own hard work. As an example, if everyone owned a Lamborghini, then Lambos aren’t special anymore.
TL;DR: Catholic schools ideally are good, but in reality they aren’t. They provide a dangerously false utopia for kids in a dystopian world. Fight me.
My only worry is that if people followed my advice, churches would lose money. This is something that I don’t want