🇮🇷 FBI Announces Iran, Russia Obtained Voter Registration Information, Interfering In Election

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Published on Oct 21, 2020

FBI Director Christopher Wray and Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe announced Iranian intelligence was responsible for a recent campaign of emails sent to intimidate Florida voters. They also reported Russia was also working to influence the election.

At a press conference on Wednesday evening, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told reporters that two foreign actors, Iran and Russia, have been identified as taking actions to interfere in the US elections. Ratcliffe claimed the two have obtained voter data (which the Florida Secretary of State notes is publicly available), and specifically blamed Iran for emails sent to Florida Democrats that claimed to be from “Proud Boys” and contained threats goading them to vote for Donald Trump.

Ratcliffe claimed this effort was an attempt to hurt Trump’s campaign, but did not specify how. The Washington Post reported that the right-wing Proud Boys group had been dropped by Google Cloud, and its domain was open to spoofing as a result.

His statements echoed an earlier note signed by intelligence leaders, which said that “We assess that Iran seeks to undermine U.S. democratic institutions, President Trump, and to divide the country in advance of the 2020 elections.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray also appeared at the press conference, and said “We’re not going to tolerate foreign interference in our elections or any criminal activity that threatens the sanctity of your vote or undermines public confidence in the outcome of the election. When we see indications of foreign interference or federal election crimes, we’re going to aggressively investigate and work with our partners, to quickly take appropriate action.”

“You should be confident that your vote counts…Early, unverified claims to the contrary should be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism.”
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To the Readers, ask yourself.
  1. Why does IRAN want you to vote for Trump?
  2. Why does Russia want you to vote for Trump?
If I was a foreign power interfering in an election, making threats in favor of who I want to lose, knowing those threats would reach the media is exactly what I’d do to make the guy I want to lose look like he’s supported by intimidation.

It’s classic disinformation. They can’t come out and say vote for Biden. So they vote for Trump in an unacceptable way to make trump look bad
To the Readers, ask yourself.
  1. Why does IRAN want you to vote for Trump?
  2. Why does Russia want you to vote for Trump?
They both benefit from the United States of America having weak ties and poor relationships with her allies.
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I think it’s just that they benefit from the chaos and turmoil the president generates wherever he goes. And the antipathy for our traditional allies.
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On second thought, the biggest benefit they get is the further polarization between Americans.
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