1 Billion???????

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POSTED: 8:29 am PST January 27, 2005
UPDATED: 8:45 am PST January 27, 2005
LOS ANGELES – Three insurance companies have sued the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, accusing Cardinal Roger Mahony of refusing to share information about alleged sex abuse by priests, it was reported Thursday.
The insurers have asked a judge to order him to provide documents that could be used to defend the church or to relieve them of liability stemming from allegations by more than 535 people who say they were molested by priests since the 1930s, the Los Angeles Times reported.

“For whatever reasons, the archbishop’s apparent goal is to obviate any meaningful disclosure of the facts and circumstances of these claims, and yet to pressure (the insurers) to contribute enormous sums of money” to settle the cases, according to the lawsuit.

“They have full access to the files,” responded Mahony’s lead lawyer, J. Michael Hennigan, according to The Times. “They are supposed to be on our side.”

Hennigan denied the Los Angeles Archdiocese was uncooperative and accused insurers of trying to delay efforts to settle the cases without the time and expense of holding trials and lengthy investigations into the claims, called discovery.
“They don’t want to settle anything or even talk about settlement without full discovery. Do the math here. We have 550 claims,” Hennigan told The Times. “What do you think full discovery means? What decade will that be finished in?”
The 12-page complaint was filed by three members of American International Group Inc., The Times reported. They are the Insurance Co. of the State of Pennsylvania, Granite State Insurance Co. and American Home Assurance Co. They provided coverage for the church in the 1970s.

More than $1 billion in damages could be assessed against the church, the insurance companies stated in the lawsuit, according to The Times.

Anyone else getting the feeling that God has had enough of the dissent and that He is willing to break the bank of the lukewarm and heretical?
as long as there is a pocket of money, some attorney will see it as a pie…and will pursue that pie… after all, even if you settle for a piece of the pie… what are the $$$$ for a piece of a billion dollar pie…?
space ghost:
as long as there is a pocket of money, some attorney will see it as a pie…and will pursue that pie… after all, even if you settle for a piece of the pie… what are the $$$$ for a piece of a billion dollar pie…?
The older I get the more I realize why the 7 capital sins are capital…they do indeed lead to all others.
Orange, an adjacent diocese, just settled for approximately $1 million per accuser. Thus one could expect negotiations to start at $500 to 600 million for Los Angeles. With a bit more fooling around that could easily grow to a billion.
It is very popular to attack the Church, to a point of bankrupting it into oblivion…yet the Lord’s Church will pas through this horrible storm and will be the better for it.
Joe Kelley:
Orange, an adjacent diocese, just settled for approximately $1 million per accuser. Thus one could expect negotiations to start at $500 to 600 million for Los Angeles. With a bit more fooling around that could easily grow to a billion.
That is correct but its liability insurance would have to pay a portion of that. According to the article I posted, the liability insurers for LA are seeking to “bail out” which would leave the diocese inheeriting the entire burden of debt. Big difference.
I think there are some truth to the sexual allegation, but it’s all about the money. Yes, the devil and other evil forces are at work to bring the Church down. People’s eyes open when they see the dollar sign. The Church is an easy picking for money hungered trial lawyers. Look, I have travelled all over the world, attending all kind of Roman Catholic churches around the world, I’ve never seem anything like this before. It seems like this scandal is unique to the US. Anyway, I guess people who are suing the Church forget what Christ has taught them in the Bible.
You know, there was an “alleged victim” who was very vocal in the Boston scandal died mysteriously at the age of 24 in his appartment. You tell me is that God’s work? I believe so.
It also kills me when it comes to people with repressive memory suing the Church. They had “lost” all memory of the incident, but when they heard of a $1 billion class action law suite, their memory came back mysteriously. Ain’t their eyes opened to the $ sign? Man, give me a break!
Like countless attacks on the Church in the past, the Church will survive and multiply.

God Bless!
MugenOne (Translated as Endless One in English)
LA? If they’re lucky, maybe they’ll have to sell the cathedral.
It’s time for a purging of the church. I can only hope that that’s what this leads to.

I’m not betting on it, though.
That is correct but its liability insurance would have to pay a portion of that. According to the article I posted, the liability insurers for LA are seeking to “bail out” which would leave the diocese inheeriting the entire burden of debt. Big difference.
Whether or not the insurance companies pay, the settlement will provide a bottlower limit for the plaintiffs in negotiations.
Note that the Orange settlement dragged on for some time until the insurance companies finally came to the table. However, in the end it won’t be the insurance companies who pay. They will recoup the money in higher premiums. I think the Orange diocese insurance bill is now about half of its annual budget.
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