Robert Heibel said:(Matthew 5:14-15) “You are light for the world. A city built on a hill-top cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp to put it under a tub; they put it on the lamp-stand where it shines for everyone in the house.”
People may be walking in the gifts, but I was going to the Catholic Church into my forties, and from age of twenty-five to forty I went to Mass and communion most every day. I also was a co instructor in Catholic adult class. You know I didn’t know anything about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. I never heard anyone speak in tongues or give a prophesy at Mass.
That is because I would say that the charismatic gifts are extremely rare. Nowhere do we have an instruction as to the frequency of how often people will receive one gift as opposed to the other. I would say that the majority of people receive gifts such as faith and wisdom, while every once in a while the gift of tongues or gifts like Padre Pio or St. Francis had show up. You might disagree, but the truth is that neither Scripture nor the Magesterium of the Catholic Church, the only two things on earth that anyone can turn to for such authority (Scripture if you are Protestant, Scripture and/or the Magesterum if you are Catholic), would give support to either one of us.
What we can do is look to the Scriptures and infer information. For instance, it’s rather clear that during certain periods of history God chose to grant fewer miracles than during other periods. Seeing as that they are not that common these days, I’d say we are in one of the periods where God is not choosing to grant that many. In fact, it’s also rather clear in Scripture that God seems to grant more miracles befoe some major event in salation history occurs (e.g., the giving of the decalogue, the resurrection of Christ). The only thing we’ve got to wait for is the end of the world, so I would say that until then, we aren’t going to be seeing that many miracles such as tongue speakers.
This is also probably because St. Paul clearly instructs that we are not to use these gifts unless we are in a situation where it is appropriate. So if we are in church and there is nobody around to interpret our tongues, we’re not supposed to use them.
Many of those who very clearly did have charismatic gifts have not made it a point to say that we ought to be speaking in tongues more, or prophesying more. In fact, they all felt extrememly blessed to have had such a rare grace of God fall on them. These are people who were extremely close to God, and very clearly showed his grace working through them charismatically. If these gifts were not rare, they would have known it, and would not have felt any more blessed than anyone else who would have also had the gifts but simply chose not to use them.
I think it’s fair to say that the majority of cases where people “speak in tongues” are just plain phony. In fact, there are plenty of Catholic Masses, both Charismatic and regular ol’ Masses, where people have spoken in tongues and others there who happened to speak these languages reported that what the folks were saying was just gibberish. On the other hand, every once in a while the individual speaking in tongues is found to be saying things about God.