#1 thing you wish Catholics knew before interacting with you?

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so I’m not going to hide to protect other people’s sensibilities, but it’s nice when others take a minute to actually see what I’m saying and doing before they decide I’m a terrible person because of the baphomet on my t-shirt or whatever.
This would and should apply to people of every religion and for people of every religion… honestly.
That is, the way Judaism views itself and views Catholicism, rather than assuming we just ‘disagree about one thing’ (that is: Jesus).
Christians tend not to consider what Jews actually believe/don’t believe (except not believing in Jesus) and it’s one of the reasons we spend so much time talking ‘at’ one another.

To borrow from an old idea, Christians spend a lot of time trying to sell bicycles to fish.
Selling bicycles to fish, hmmm.
May I ask a question, with all due respect? Isn’t there a lot of content in Judaism about preparing for the Messiah, waiting for the Messiah, etc?
So I don’t really see how the fish metaphor is helpful, but maybe I’m understanding it wrong. I can understand if Jews don’t believe that Jesus is the Messiah, but Jews are still waiting for a Messiah, aren’t they?
May I ask a question, with all due respect?
May I ask a question, with similar due respect?

How much effort does the Catholic Church and the general Catholic in the pew give to the potential imminent arrival of apocalyptic horsemen, Armageddon and the Second Coming?

And that’s in a religion that’s clear on the nature of Messiah (you’ve got a book on the subject), his redeeming of humanity from Original Sin and his effect on your post-death existence.

Meanwhile . . . .

Original Sin? - Wozzat?
Afterlife? - Well, err, umm?
Salvation? - from what?
Hell? - Hmm?
etc . . .

In other words, the origins to your question still lie in the assumption that Judaism is “Christianity minus Jesus” and that Messiah (here’s Judaism 101 on the topic) bears the kind of relationship in Jewish thought that Jesus has to Christians in Christian thought.

Telling people that Jesus will save them from things they don’t believe in (or have completely different ideas about) is fish and bicycles.
May I ask a question, with all due respect?
May I ask a question, with similar due respect?

How much effort does the Catholic Church and the general Catholic in the pew give to the potential imminent arrival of apocalyptic horsemen, Armageddon and the Second Coming?

And that’s in a religion that’s clear on the nature of Messiah (you’ve got a book on the subject), his redeeming of humanity from Original Sin and his effect on your post-death existence.

Meanwhile . . . .

Original Sin? - Wozzat?
Afterlife? - Well, err, umm?
Salvation? - from what?
Hell? - Hmm?
etc . . .

In other words, the origins to your question still lie in the assumption that Judaism is “Christianity minus Jesus” and that Messiah (here’s Judaism 101 on the topic) bears the kind of relationship in Jewish thought that Jesus has to Christians in Christian thought.

Telling people that Jesus will save them from things they don’t believe in (or have completely different ideas about) is fish and bicycles.
Okay, I learned some things from the page you linked. Thanks for your respectful (name removed by moderator)ut.
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A. What is your affiliation
You’ll find this in my profile.
B. What is the #1 thing you wish more Catholics knew before interacting with you
That I do not want to be interacted with. But I really have no issues here. I suppose I could say I wish they knew I am an extremely private person who has no desire to socialize, tell anyone my name, or become involved in anything other than attending Mass and studying on my own. But since no one has yet approached me or suggested anything along these lines I cannot ask for anything more. I am very grateful that my privacy and wish for solitude has been totally respected since the first day I walked into a Catholic Church. This is not something I can say about any Protestant church I have been to.
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  1. Anglican - convert from RC Church in 2010
    2a) I wish RC’s wouldn’t refer to Anglicans as Catholic lite or lapsed Catholics. We have our own governance, Episcopacy, Eucharistic traditions, canons and ethos. We have a distinct style of worship that is similar to a RC mass, but not exact. We place strong emphasis on lay involvement, the role of women in the church and inclusivity.
    2b) We weren’t founded by Henry Xlll. No doubt the guy broke ranks with Rome, but the real architects of Anglicanism are Elizabeth l, Thomas Cranmer and Richard Hooker.
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That you simply consider us schismatics and not heretics. I’m getting rather tired of encountering Catholics that insist Orthodox are heretics, when I know the Catholic Church doesn’t believe that. I don’t take it too seriously when I see this accusation, because the Catholic Church can believe whatever it likes, but when I know I’ve read official stuff that just says we’re schismatics, and then random Catholics come along and try to make me a heretic on top of it, any ensuing conversation immediately becomes fruitless.
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