I tend to agree with you, Marvin. I have read lots of books that would not be considered ‘good’ in terms of Catholic Theology. I have to admit that none of them impacted me as much as really, really good books. I can still remember what it was like to read To Kill A Mockingbird for the first time but can’t really remember being impacted at all by the drivel I read in Holy Blood, Holy Grail. In fact, Harriet the Spy had more of an impact on me than that drivel. And while the Harry Potter books were great none of them will ever equal Gone With the Wind.I don’t think any book(s) is/are harmful. I’m always a little uncomfortale when I see this kind of list put out there. Some people think the Bible is harmful. I say, let everyone write whatever they want. How will you know what people are thinking unless they are free to make it known? I want to know what people are thinking; especially those that don’t agree with me and especially those who are downright hostile.
However, I must tell you that I had excellent schooling from a wonderful woman at my grammar school, Christ the King, in regards to reading. Mrs. Fader taught our ‘advanced reading group’ and she really guided our discussions and helped us look at literature in an objective, but Christ-centered way. I think that is why books that might be considered ‘dangerous’ have never had an adverse affect on me.