I am not, and to borrow from another poster:WHY ARE YOU CATHOLIC
Hi:I am not, and to borrow from another poster:
I was born and raised as a Protestant. When I was nearly enticed away into the RCC, I was given the grace to recognize the error in that and have remained Protestant. Glory be to God.
Now that I’ve answered your question, I have a question of my own to ask: why in the world are you preaching to the choir here? Why not post this on a Protestant (or secular even) MB and see what you get?
Well, Becky, I was raised in a strong Protestant family with a strong Protestant heritage. I then married a nice Catholic boy from Poland who desired to raise our children Catholic. I had to pray to God to help me overcome my objections to certain doctrines of the faith. Boy, did he!! I can’t even begin to tell you how my love for Jesus has deepened. I am now a convert. (Ten years ago I would never have believed it).I am not, and to borrow from another poster:
I was born and raised as a Protestant. When I was nearly enticed away into the RCC, I was given the grace to recognize the error in that and have remained Protestant. Glory be to God.
Now that I’ve answered your question, I have a question of my own to ask: why in the world are you preaching to the choir here? Why not post this on a Protestant (or secular even) MB and see what you get?
And thanks for educating us Moe! I am still printing out that list of 150 reasons and plan to share it with my CATHOLIC “Bible study”. (I put Bible study in quotation marks because of course a Catholic Bible study is much more than just the Bible.)Hi:
I am not PREACHING … I am more interested in educating Catholics. It is amazing how many don’t know which end is up!
Take CAre,
I do not know about you - but I can’t get enough education on our faith … isn’t it just totally awesome!And thanks for educating us Moe!
I do not know about you - but I can’t get enough education on our faith … isn’t it just totally awesome!