18 out of 42

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I just scanned the last 42 threads in this area, on Catholic News.

18 out of 42 have something to do - whether directly or indirectly - with homosexuality. That’s 43% of the threads.

My mind boggles. I am incredibly amazed at the saturation of discussion on this subject. And it’s everywhere. Every day the gay movement makes news in some way, shape, or form.

I’m not even sure of the point I am making, but I am sad and distressed. This fight is reaching all corners of our lives. From acceptance as a minority, to acceptance in ‘marriage,’ to acceptance in behavior, to acceptance in the Church, the argument is reaching a fever pitch.

I honestly don’t see how this conflict can sustain itself without serious division in all aspects of society. It’s one thing to be arguing about a general moral issue at a high level, but when policy shifts, it has tangible impact.

Accepting the infinite value and dignity of each human being is not the same as accepting each human being’s personal behavior.

gomer tree:
I just scanned the last 42 threads in this area, on Catholic News.

18 out of 42 have something to do - whether directly or indirectly - with homosexuality. That’s 43% of the threads.

My mind boggles. I am incredibly amazed at the saturation of discussion on this subject. And it’s everywhere. Every day the gay movement makes news in some way, shape, or form.

I’m not even sure of the point I am making, but I am sad and distressed. This fight is reaching all corners of our lives. From acceptance as a minority, to acceptance in ‘marriage,’ to acceptance in behavior, to acceptance in the Church, the argument is reaching a fever pitch.

I honestly don’t see how this conflict can sustain itself without serious division in all aspects of society. It’s one thing to be arguing about a general moral issue at a high level, but when policy shifts, it has tangible impact.

Accepting the infinite value and dignity of each human being is not the same as accepting each human being’s personal behavior.

Perhaps you need to look at the context of the posts; a document is daily or at least every other day, rumored to be momentarily issued regarding homosexuality and the Catholic priesthood. It’s big news – as a result the News section of the forum will undoubtedly have a larger number than usual posts regarding the subject.

Next week if a document on liturgy is rumored to be breaking, then undoubtedly more posts than usual will reflect that subject.
Perhaps you need to look at the context of the posts; a document is daily or at least every other day, rumored to be momentarily issued regarding homosexuality and the Catholic priesthood. It’s big news – as a result the News section of the forum will undoubtedly have a larger number than usual posts regarding the subject.

Next week if a document on liturgy is rumored to be breaking, then undoubtedly more posts than usual will reflect that subject.
But that is only one thing. There are protests where a group wants to put pink triangles on the money they put in the collection plate. There is the marriage amendment. There are speakers at a Bible seminar suggesting that the Bible is inconclusive at best on homosexuality, and should be ignored anyway. There are priests gladly saying they are gay. There is bishop Robinson making a statement.

Granted, some of these are in reaction to the Vatican document. But not all. And I have been noticing this for some time, not just this week. The Rainbow sashers make noise occasionally. This is more and more of an issue in each election cycle. There are protests nearly every day inside and outside of the Church having something to do with gays.

I guess the point is that this started a few decades ago in small increments, but it really seems like it developed into a tidal wave. I shudder to think of where we will be with all of this in 10 years.
Believe me! I am sick of it too.
We should be thankful for those who are unwillingly to give up the on the fight the homosexuals are tossing our Church. If you or anyone can’t find words to defend our Church here on the forums then pray with all of your heart. Pray for peace in this matter. :gopray:

I light a votive candle in this Holy Family every evening. It is on my kitchen counter right now. I pray for all families.
So when you see the troubles you talk about here in this thread…think of all the families that need God’s protection and pray.
Personally, I think the large number of threads on homosexuality is less indicative of the homosexual’s attempts to destroy America, the Church, or whatever than it is of the attitude of some people around here.
Personally, I think the large number of threads on homosexuality is less indicative of the homosexual’s attempts to destroy America, the Church, or whatever than it is of the attitude of some people around here.
Apparently you have not ventured out on the internet to find that there are many places like queerday.com
Don’t forget to do a little google search for NAMBLA

There are many people here on these forums who care about the future of families and the safe keeping of children.
gomer tree:
I just scanned the last 42 threads in this area, on Catholic News.

18 out of 42 have something to do - whether directly or indirectly - with homosexuality. That’s 43% of the threads.

My mind boggles. I am incredibly amazed at the saturation of discussion on this subject. And it’s everywhere. Every day the gay movement makes news in some way, shape, or form.

I’m not even sure of the point I am making, but I am sad and distressed. This fight is reaching all corners of our lives. From acceptance as a minority, to acceptance in ‘marriage,’ to acceptance in behavior, to acceptance in the Church, the argument is reaching a fever pitch.

I honestly don’t see how this conflict can sustain itself without serious division in all aspects of society. It’s one thing to be arguing about a general moral issue at a high level, but when policy shifts, it has tangible impact.

Accepting the infinite value and dignity of each human being is not the same as accepting each human being’s personal behavior.

This is amazing to me, too. When so many bad things are happening in this world, good followers of Christ are distracted by the immense non-issue of homosexuality. Why is it such a pre-occupation on this forum? Why can’t people get up in arms about poverty or earthquake victims in Pakistan or lack of healthcare for the poor? Why in the world should we make such a big freaking deal if two dudes want to kiss? For Pete’s sake.
gomer tree:
I’m not even sure of the point I am making, but I am sad and distressed.

Ask God to help you with these feelings. I fill 3 lanterns with oil every evening and light them and pray for God’s protection of the family. Try this prayer.

Gracious Saint Joseph, protect me and my family from all evil as you did the Holy Family. Kindly keep us ever united in the love of Christ, ever fervent in imitation of the virtue of our Blessed Lady, your sinless spouse, and always faithful in devotion to you. Amen.


O God,
you have created us in love
and saved us in mercy,
and through the bond of marriage
you have established the family
and willed that it should become a sign
of Christ’s love for his Church.

Shower your blessings on this family
gathered here in your name.
Enable those who are joined by one love
to support one another
by their fervor of spirit and devotion to prayer.
Make them responsive to the needs of others
and witnesses to the faith in all they say and do.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


whatever your heart is moved to pray…but please pray for the protection of families in the form God established them to be.

If anyone can add to these prayers for families…please, please do!
And now, at the end of my pastoral message, which is intended to draw everyone’s attention to the demanding yet fascinating roles of the Christian family, I wish to invoke the protection of the Holy Family of Nazareth.

Through God’s mysterious design, it was in that family that the Son of God spent long years of a hidden life. It is therefore the prototype and example for all Christian families. It was unique in the world. Its life was passed in anonymity and silence in a little town in Palestine. It underwent trials of poverty, persecution and exile. It glorified God in an incomparably exalted and pure way. And it will not fail to help Christian families-indeed, all the families in the world-to be faithful to their day-to-day duties, to bear the cares and tribulations of life, to be open and generous to the needs of others, and to fulfill with joy the plan of God in their regard.

*St. Joseph was “a just man,” a tireless worker, the upright guardian of those entrusted to his care. May he always guard, protect and enlighten families. *

May the Virgin Mary, who is the Mother of the Church, also be the Mother of “the Church of the home.” Thanks to her motherly aid, may each Christian family really become a “little Church” in which the mystery of the Church of Christ is mirrored and given new life. May she, the Handmaid of the Lord, be an example of humble and generous acceptance of the will of God. May she, the Sorrowful Mother at the foot of the Cross, comfort the sufferings and dry the tears of those in distress because of the difficulties of their families.

May Christ the Lord, the Universal King, the King of Families, be present in every Christian home as He was at Cana, bestowing light, joy, serenity and strength. On the solemn day dedicated to His Kingship I beg of Him that every family may generously make its own contribution to the coming of His Kingdom in the world-“a kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness and grace, a kingdom of justice, love, and peace,” 183 towards which history is journeying.

I entrust each family to Him, to Mary, and to Joseph. To their hands and their hearts I offer this Exhortation: may it be they who present it to you, venerable Brothers and beloved sons and daughters, and may it be they who open your hearts to the light that the Gospel sheds on every family.

I assure you all of my constant prayers and I cordially impart the apostolic blessing to each and every one of you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

From Familaris Consortio by Pope John Paul II
This is amazing to me, too. When so many bad things are happening in this world, good followers of Christ are distracted by the immense non-issue of homosexuality. Why is it such a pre-occupation on this forum? Why can’t people get up in arms about poverty or earthquake victims in Pakistan or lack of healthcare for the poor? Why in the world should we make such a big freaking deal if two dudes want to kiss? For Pete’s sake.
One thing to consider is that there are no people trying to promote earthquakes in Pakistan, and there are no people who are protesting against attempts to provide better healthcare for the poor. Could you imagine a discussion about poverty on CAF? “I reckon that it would be good if we could reduce poverty.” “Yep, me too.” “I agree!” and so on. Oh, another thing is that poverty is a ‘timeless’ issue. If we ignore the issue for 10 years we can just pick up where we left off, it will still all be the same problem and same solutions. It is important work, and it is work in progress, but it doesn’t really make great forum material.

On the other hand, with issues like homosexuality, there are opponents who are fighting against us, there is something to discuss about it on CAF (people have different things to say about it), and it is an issue limited to a short space of time - if we ignore this issue for a few years then morality and the value of proper families will just go out the window. It does make good forum material.

Oh and by the way, just because we discuss things more on forums doesn’t mean that there are more people in the world concerned with that issue. There are way more groups, religious and secular, dedicated to fighting poverty than there are dedicated to defending family, important an issue as it is.
Good comments.

My reactions: (1) I side with those who are amazed at this predominance as a necessary reaction in which this issue is being escalated and thrown in our face, and not from an unhealthy pre-occupation with the subject. (2) I can understand to an extent that some perceive an “intolerance” towards homosexuals, apart from the issue of morality or acceptance as a social norm. We all must be careful to separate the actions of individuals and attack the actions rather than undermine the dignity of the people promoting these actions. It is a difficult balance. (3) I agree that numerous issues require attention. That is not to say this issue does not require attention. It is a silly argument to suggest that harm is somehow being done because some choose to discuss these issues rather than post lamentations about the plight of the poor. Both can be reasonably addressed. And even if one considers the latter issue of higher importance, it does not negate the moral and social problems with the former. Even small problems need addressing, if one indeed believes it is a small problem.

Thanks for the prayers. Perhaps I was a little misleading yesterday. My e-mail came off as being in despair, which I am not. I was just kind of thinking “out loud.” It troubles me to see what should be a peripheral issue at best be promoted by secular society as a harbinger of all human rights. The imbalance of attention and bending over backwards to accommodate the gay movement is staggering.

You want to talk about how we should be dealing with more important issues? Then direct that to all those bringing lawsuits and tying up the courst in an attempt to create gay rights by defining someone a minority based on an action. Direct that to the legislators in Massachusetts who have nothing better to do than to introduce legislation to decriminalize beastiality. Direct that to all the groups that are constantly pushing for special rights for domestic partners, or to tie the hands of employers who don’t want a transvestite at the counter.

It’s completely disingenuous to say that we should not be wasting our time fighting these things, while not acknowledging that we wouldn’t have to waste our time if numerous others weren’t constantly attempting to push the envelope.
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