Hey we are down to 7 days now!!! One week!!! We met with father today and I thought all was settled. So did he apparently but then after the meeting he called and told my fiancee that he was missing his annulment papers. Dear fiancee calls me in a panic and I tell him where they are. SO he looks for them and completely freaks because he can’t find them. I couldn’t find fiancee for hours as he panicked so bad he just had to get out. I emailed father and asked what exactly it was that we needed and he responds. I go to where I told my dear fiancee they were, oven the file and pull it out…geez…I thought I was supposed to be the jittery one now. Anyway…crisis averted. You should have seen the email I sent father telling him I had the paperwork and would bring it to him. Too funny!!! I said something to the effect that I found it just where I told him it would be, but maybe we should include filing system counselling to engaged couples so the other one would understand our filing system…ahhh, much better now, he even took me to dinner he was so relieved and grateful.