200 Women Storm US Capital to Lobby Against Abortion - Met With Every Senator

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200 Women Storm US Capital to Lobby Against Abortion - Met With Every Senator

WASHINGTON, April 29, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Almost 200 women from all across the country came to Washington, DC Wednesday, to make their voices heard, declaring abortion harmful to women and their unborn babies. Pro-life women met with every United States Senator urging them to confirm President Bush’s judicial nominees and support pro-life legislation. For the first time, pro-life women joined together to lobby the U.S. Senate in an unprecedented effort to make pro-life women’s voices heard. Several pro-life groups worked together including Susan B. Anthony List, National Right to Life, Silent No More Awareness Campaign, Eagle Forum, Family Research Council, and Concerned Women for America to sponsor the national women’s lobbying day on Capitol Hill.

“There is a misconception among many that the majority of women support abortion. This is not the case,” stated Jane Abraham, President for the Susan B. Anthony List. “Polls consistently show that American women are more pro- life than pro-choice and overwhelmingly support restrictions on abortion. Women are coming to Washington to speak out and to lobby on behalf of women and unborn children. They want Congress to hear real women’s voices, not misconceptions.”

I am very happy for this news. I hope they keep up the lobbying. I agree that there are many more women that are prolife than our Senators would give us credit for.
I am very happy for this news. I hope they keep up the lobbying. I agree that there are many more women that are prolife than our Senators would give us credit for.
After I wrote this post I sent the link to that article to both my senators and told them to count me among those lobbying for life. Both my senators are pro-choice. I wonder if they realize how this will affect them negatively in the next election? I encourage you to contact you senators:
Susan B. Anthony list---- gotta love it. I’d bet a million dollars that I don’t have that most Americans don’t know that the early feminists were PRO-LIFE. Wonder what they think when they see a name like this?- Susan B. Anthony list.
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