2019 The beginning of the end for the transgender movement?

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From The Stream:

A friend of mine holds a university student-services leadership position. He tells me the trans issue is complicating on-campus housing decisions. I am quite sure that somewhere, some college freshman woman is being assigned to room with a “transwoman.” And she’s being shamed as “transphobic” if she objects to rooming with a man.

Meanwhile, for the second year in a row, the Texas State girl’s wrestling champion is essentially doping on testosterone.

Parents will not put up with this for long. They won’t sit idly by as young girls decide en masse it’s cool to “transition.” Sanity will wake up again and wash its bleary eyes before long, at least in the home.

No, the change will come through a groundswell of realization that the trans movement is built on a lie. There is no science supporting it, no rationality to suggest that gender confusion is a positive condition, nothing in it to say it should be celebrated. We can support those affected without lying to them that the effects are good.

No, the change will come through a groundswell of realization that the trans movement is built on a lie. There is no science supporting it, no rationality to suggest that gender confusion is a positive condition, nothing in it to say it should be celebrated. We can support those affected without lying to them that the effects are good.
Sounds a lot like the language I had to suffer through as someone with SSA when I was young. It took the Church decades to wake up to the realization that it was never a choice.
One enormous problem is attempting to distinguish among 1) the folks for whom the feeling of wrongness in their body is persistent and unwavering, 2) the mixed up older kids who manifest with gender dysphoria which is masking some other condition, and 3) the wanna-be’s who are in it for the attention .
Still, in any of these cases, one’s feelings about one’s body cannot change anyone’s biology, anatomy, or genetics. A woman cannot be changed into a man. A man cannot be changed into a woman. Every cell in a person’s body will proclaim chrosomally the lie of “transition.” Dysphoria of any sort is a matter for psychological therapy.
I have a feeling that the transgender phenomenon will only start to end when there will be a wave of medical malpractice lawsuits coming from people who had “gender affirmation” surgery as kids before they could make a rational choice. It’s sad to think about how many more lives have yet to be ruined for people en mass to wake up.
I do not like that same sex attraction, homosexuality and gender dysphoria get lumped in together. Gender dysphoria and same sex attraction are not even in the same ball field. You can have same sex attraction and never question your gender. You can question your gender and not have same sex attraction. Sexual preference and this current wave of gender identity crisis are not the same.
I do not like that same sex attraction, homosexuality and gender dysphoria get lumped in together. Gender dysphoria and same sex attraction are not even in the same ball field. You can have same sex attraction and never question your gender. You can question your gender and not have same sex attraction. Sexual preference and this current wave of gender identity crisis are not the same.
I’m old enough to remember when the LGB’s wanted nothing to do with the T’s and thought they were an embarrassment.
I don’t care about miniscule percentage of genetic defects. It’s the insane activism that will be defeated. No male has any business whatsoever to be in a female locker room or bathroom or competing in women’s sports. And vice versa. Ask any sane parent if they want males in bathrooms with their daughters. A small group of political activists and agitators will not prevail over common sense and human nature.
I’m old enough to remember when the LGB’s wanted nothing to do with the T’s and thought they were an embarrassment.
You’re gonna hear us Gen Xers in the nursing homes yelling about how “back in my day, you were either gay, straight or bi, and that was good enough! Get off my lawn.”

Note: I agree, or I haven’t have enough time or exposure to the issue to wrap my mind around all the trans issues. Homosexuality, even if you disagree with it, is an easier concept to grasp even if you are not gay.
There is a good discussion of XX male syndrome HERE. It’s a genetic condition in which the chromosomes are XX but the anatomy is male. It’s a pretty rare condition and the discussion makes no mention of gender dysphoria. I wonder what percentage, if any, of those claiming gender dysphoria have been diagnosed with XX male syndrome. Those who have the syndrome, although morphological male, are infertile. Genetic defects are different than psychological conditions.
No one is getting, or will get, surgery as children. At most, what they do is take something to delay puberty.
You’d rather force the trans girl to room with a guy? That’s gonna go well.

A trans woman athlete isn’t doping on testosterone. Indeed, she’s probably literally “doping” on estrogen, which will counteract that supposed advantage.

Also, if there is some kind of fad for thinking transitioning is “cool,” that will surely die out, but that won’t change the reality of actual trans people.
Honestly, I think we should all mind our own business. Do you have a personal stake in this issue? Otherwise it’s gossip.

Starting this thread is a way of saying “These people are coming for us and our acceptable way of life.” It is not charitable. You are picking on a small group of people who most have very little interaction with. If you did, you might not even know it.
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No, the change will come through a groundswell of realization that the trans movement is built on a lie. There is no science supporting it, no rationality to suggest that gender confusion is a positive condition, nothing in it to say it should be celebrated. We can support those affected without lying to them that the effects are good.
Sounds a lot like the language I had to suffer through as someone with SSA when I was young. It took the Church decades to wake up to the realization that it was never a choice.
Why are you conflating SSA with transgenderism?
Still, in any of these cases, one’s feelings about one’s body cannot change anyone’s biology, anatomy, or genetics. A woman cannot be changed into a man. A man cannot be changed into a woman. Every cell in a person’s body will proclaim chrosomally the lie of “transition.” Dysphoria of any sort is a matter for psychological therapy.
Way to go, Jim. Now if you could investigate XX male syndrome for example and explain how that fits in with your comments, then we will all have a better understanding of the amount of knowledge you posess on this matter and will be able to treat your comments accordingly.

Over to you!
A statistical outlier does not prove the mean.
That’s just bad math.
Meanwhile, for the second year in a row, the Texas State girl’s wrestling champion [is essentially doping on testosterone
Dalrock makes an interesting point here that the traditionalists used to say (along with the Magesterium) that woman’s wrestling was bad. Fast forward a few years and they are complaining that transgenders are ruining the “time-honored” sport of woman’s wrestling.

It really is true that conservatives are just liberals in slow motion.
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