2019 The beginning of the end for the transgender movement?

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There is no science supporting it, no rationality to suggest that gender confusion is a positive condition, nothing in it to say it should be celebrated.
The ignorance of this statement is profound. Seriously, study this issue before you spread bad information.

If you are going to bury your head and pretend there is no scientific evidence validating a feeling of gender dysphoria, you will be powerless to share the gospel truth.
Or, conversely, when most people get it into their heads that gender, as it exists among humans, is more than a matter of chromosomes, and that a trans person’s identity is just as biological (the brain is biological) as the DNA or genitala…
My big question is, how do transgender persons know that what they are feeling is that they are the opposite sex? All they see of the opposite sex is the outward manifestations.
So if someone is convinced that they are, say, a Klingon, it must be true because that conviction is fixed in their brain?
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We, as humans in our varied cultures, have made it more than chromosomes. Your chromosomes don’t determine how you’re expected to look and dress or how other people react to you. That part is indeed a social construct that has changed in different places and times.

I think this also addresses Annie’s question. Nobody is traumatized because their last chromosome has or doesn’t have that second “leg” that differentiates an X from a Y. Heck, given that many people who have come out as trans in the last few years are perfectly fine not having “bottom surgery,” it’s not necessarily even their genitals they are confused or bothered about. (Heck, that’s the basis of the entire restroom/locker room panic, right? I presume people wouldn’t be concerned about “men” (trans women) sharing space with cis women if they didn’t have penises.)

The thing trans people want is precisely the “outward appearance” element — to be acknowledged and treated as their internal gender, and permitted to look and dress and act as such. Not being beaten up/killed/driven to suicide on the regular would also be nice.

Just to address the thread title:

I regularly attend our area’s folk music festival. I love the music and the festival food and the craft fair and it’s a real magnet for every fringe group under the sun.

So, before, during and for a year or so after 2015 (when the US Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is constitutional), you couldn’t swing a dead cat without hitting a Rainbow this or an LGBT themed that.

Then last summer, we went and I barely saw anything LGBT themed.
It was all about medical marijuana. Lots. And. Lots. Of. Medical marijuana.
I had a rather extensive conversation with a lovely lady vendor about the various issues surrounding MM, but I digress.

What Does It All Mean???
*cues X Files theme
Or a quick and quiet death. As long as it goes away. It is diabolical madness.
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