I’ve glossed over a few Atheist sites. One of them listed 300 proofs for the existence of God - I got a chuckle from a couple of them. So, I have decided to waste time by countering their arguments.
- God can’t make a rock bigger than He can lift. Therefore, God does not exist.
- I have looked through my telescope countless times. I have never seen God. Therefore, God does not exist.
- There are many different religions. All of them can’t be correct, but all of them could be wrong. Therefore, God does not exist.
- Death exists. Suffering exists. Disease exists. Natural disasters exist. God is mean. Therefore, God does not exist.
- Scientists have proven that there is no God. Like, they probably have a mathematical formula for it, and stuff. Therefore, God does not exist.
- Our current society proves there are no moral absolutes. Therefore, God does not exist.
- There are no absolute truths (except that God does not exist). Therefore, God does not exist.
- Religion causes wars. Therefore, God does not exist.
- The Catholic Church has tortured and killed X(number of) people. Where X approaches the number of people ever born. Therefore, God does not exist.
- Many smart people are Atheists. I am smart. Therefore, God does not exist.
- I enjoy jeering at stupid Christians. Therefore, God does not exist.
- George Carlin is an Atheist. He is hilarious. Therefore, God does not exist.
- Sin is fun. Therefore, God does not exist.
- Rules suck. Therefore, God does not exist.
- The Bible doesn’t make sense to me. Therefore, God does not exist.
- I commanded God to smite me, once. He did not smite me. Therefore, God does not exist.
- Hell does not exist. Therefore, God does not exist.
- Assume that God does not exist. Then, death is not so scary. Therefore, God does not exist.
- My parents lied to me about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. They could have lied about God, too. Therefore, God does not exist.
- God does not exist (Theist raises eyebrow). No, seriously. Therefore, God does not exist.
- “Evil will always triumph over Good, because Good is dumb.”. Therefore, God does not exist. (Quote from the movie Spaceballs)