Wow. Are you serious? Please tell me you are not serious. First of all, if you marry a “rich man” who only cares that you are pretty and uneducated, what is going to happen when you age and are no longer as pretty as the equally dumb bimbo down the street? Then you are just old, uneducated, and divorced. Also, ew! Why would you encourage anyone to dumb themselves down in order to appeal to a man who is primarily interested in their appearance. Gross!
I am perfectly serious. If you spend money on your appearance (clothing, makeup, the car you drive, hair), you will have a better chance with men. It’s naive to think otherwise. Of course, once you start dating, compatibility will be the issue, and of course, you will pick somebody who loves you.
By rich, I mean that the OP wants to be a stay at home mom. The guy she marries has to earn enough to support that lifestyle.
All men are primarily interested in your appearance at first. You can be the brightest, most interesting cookie, but if you look butch for instance, you will not get the dates. Or even if you look unhealthy, you will not get dates.
For your daughters, invest in good looks and sportive, healthy bodies. It makes a huge difference. Even teachers respond better to good-looking kids.
You are not “dumbing yourself down” if you choose not to be indoctrinated by leftist professors who want essays on the narrowest of topics.
OP: However, if you do go to university, it’s good to aim for an MRS. degree by hanging out with students from the right departments. Stay away from the music department, for instance. Aim for the doctors, engineers etc…