4 Ways To Help Your Kids Fight Assimilation Into Cultural Leftism

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Not everything people link to is Catholic. See the World News thread for examples.

However, there is still a lot of good in the link, Catholic or not.
The title may be deliberately ‘controversial’ but the author is discussing how she taught her daughter to defend marriage as defined by God… how is that not Catholic?
Exactly how is this Catholic?
It need not be only Catholic, but the article talks about same sex marriage, pornography, and families, all of which the Catholic Church has positions on which are at odds with much of the popular culture.
I get what the person who wrote this is trying to do. And I think it’s a good idea to educate your own children about the perils of some of the culture. But there didn’t seem to be any mention of empathy in the article (unless I missed it) about the people who do all of those things that are being denounced. I would worry that if an approach is taken without charity and empathy towards any ‘sinner’ that these children may grow up feeling superior to many people. And that is no way to live the gospel.
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Its a shame this is what is being put unto kids if I was born any later this would be what would’ve been pushed on me I’m in high school now so I can defend my faith.
Great article. I dare say, if not Catholic in name, certainly in topic. Thanks for posting.
And it’s also important to teach kids that the crusades are something to be proud of. I can’t count how many times people have used to the crusades to show how “evil” the Catholic Church is
I get what the person who wrote this is trying to do. And I think it’s a good idea to educate your own children about the perils of some of the culture. But there didn’t seem to be any mention of empathy in the article (unless I missed it) about the people who do all of those things that are being denounced. I would worry that if an approach is taken without charity and empathy towards any ‘sinner’ that these children may grow up feeling superior to many people. And that is no way to live the gospel.
Yes, I felt that missing also. When you have been blessed to be born into a good, loving, caring family, it is too easy to take that blessing for granted. So many children don’t have that love and that’s the first and foremost thing we can give from our Christian bounty. Our loved kids need to learn to give love in the right way also.
I want to keep my kids away from the toxic type of cultural “right-ism” I see rampant in American culture - I really want them to grow up merciful, to care for the poor, to be kind to people who are different from them, to welcome immigrants and refugees, to make sure pregnant women are supported emotionally and financially through their pregnancies and beyond, so we are truly a pro life culture, to work for the end of war, to work for the end of guns and to worship Jesus - not flag or country. I want them to have Catholic values…leftist/rightest/labels…not sure they are helpful…though I cant help worrying
about what I see as “toxic right-ism” (not all so called right wing people- but many) - so there I am, using a label!
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I get what the person who wrote this is trying to do. And I think it’s a good idea to educate your own children about the perils of some of the culture. But there didn’t seem to be any mention of empathy in the article (unless I missed it) about the people who do all of those things that are being denounced. I would worry that if an approach is taken without charity and empathy towards any ‘sinner’ that these children may grow up feeling superior to many people. And that is no way to live the gospel.
Yes, I felt that missing also. When you have been blessed to be born into a good, loving, caring family, it is too easy to take that blessing for granted. So many children don’t have that love and that’s the first and foremost thing we can give from our Christian bounty. Our loved kids need to learn to give love in the right way also.
I think the author wanted her kids to remain friends with those who disagree with their Christian views and it’s clear that the parents enrolled their children into public schools so they wouldn’t be isolated in their own Christian bubble.

I think the last sentence in the article shows that the author doesn’t want her children to refrain from socializing with those who don’t share their worldview but only wants her children to stand their ground:
“And they know that while they may lose friends if they speak up, they earn the respect of their friends who remain.”
I think this is an excellent article on how to raise and train one’s children to hold on to the values that parents want their children to hold. The strategy espoused in the article can be used not only help children from assimilating into the leftist secularism that pervades most Western countries, but also help Catholic children defend their Catholic faith (in regards to the Sacraments, Mary, the priesthood, social justice, etc.) among other children and adults of different Christian faiths.
Christ told us that our faith is to be salt and light, that our good works shine and make people want to know our “secret”. We demonstrate to our children through our good works, through our radical love. Christ never told us to be playing “defense”, He told us to be shining advertisments.
Christ told us that our faith is to be salt and light, that our good works shine and make people want to know our “secret”. We demonstrate to our children through our good works, through our radical love. Christ never told us to be playing “defense”, He told us to be shining advertisments.
And the method of training one’s children that this article recommends is an excellent way to instill the values you just espoused to one’s children.
The first part of the articled described a middle school aged child who was able to tell her fellow students who come from single parent homes or who were adopted by a gay couple that they have sub par families. That is not the way I would show radical love.
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