It is. For all the efforts at eradication and law enforcement, the price of drugs on the street remains level or drops. That means an adequate supply is available, “war on drugs” notwithstanding.National politics aside, a professor here at WTC recently told his class that the war on drugs is a crock,
It is, but…so much more than alcohol or tobacco?that marijuana is not harmful
My wife knocked back a number of glasses of wine with her meals back when she was carrying any of our five kids. None of the kids turned out stupid. But, it could happen, so I’d say that it depends on the drinker and her health.it’s okay for pregnant women to drink.
LOL!Liberalism does that – makes brains mush.
Sure. He’s the final arbiter for the rightwingers. Maybe not for conservatives, but he does a fine job of catering to the extremists.The solution is to do what Bill O’Reilly does,