1)* They do not waste time on meaningless rituals.* pppffffttt! Have you never watched a baseball game?? lol Believers and unbelievers alike seem to love their rituals.
- They are not limited to express their “eros” type of love to the prescribed methods.
No they aren’t. This is why we have so many single parent families where the woman was abandoned to take care of her baby and why taxpayers have to pay for abortions. Free sex is never free. Family life where a man must come before family and friends to marry a woman is good for women and good for the children that come of their union. And you know, it’s very good for men too.
3)* They avoid the scary prospect of being tortured for eternity and the mental anguish coming from it.* I don’t have any mental anguish. I’m too busy enjoying the company of God who is my awesome father.
- The do not develop false hope of magical intervention for their prayers. Nothing magical. Just enjoying an awesome father who loves me to the moon and back. I would never want to go back to my unbelieving days.
- They do not need to resort to mental gymnastics to explain away the zillions of discrepancies in their belief system. No mental gymnastics on my part. Makes perfect sense.
6)* They can concentrate on the problems of this, temporal existence and attempt to solve its problems instead of hoping a “reward” in the hereafter.*
Really? If anything, I find unbelievers preoccupied with themselves and very uninterested in other’s problems.
My parents both had cancer and passed away. I have one sibling who lived within blocks of them and he spent their last years busy, but not with them. No kids either, just every weekend went fishing, went golfing, went out of town for some shopping, rented a cabin at a lake. Endless activities. It was me who asked my parents, what do you need? I went to* lots* of doctor appointments (sibling didn’t go to one), cooked food, cleaned their house, and on and on. Actually they didn’t hear from him for months at a time. I’m glad you brought this up. Did you know it was the Catholic church that fed the hungry, clothed the naked, took care of the sick, visited those imprisoned? Schools were built, hospitals were built, because of Catholics and their faith. We enjoy a lot of awesome privileges because of those who went before us and built up what we see today. Actually, that’s what atheists gain! The benefits of what Christianity has built in the centuries before!