The number 666 from the Book of Revelation is commonly understood to refer the the Emporer Nero. The Greek alphabet had a numerical equivalent for the letters just as the Romam alphabet. This practice and the reference to Nero was reinforced by some very early translations of the New Testament into the Latin. In a couple of early versions (Forgive me I’d have to get out books and research to cite which exactly) the number of the beast is given as something different than 666, but the exact equivalent of Nero in the Roman alphabet. In the notation I read, it was stated that at some time the decision must have been made to leave the number the same as the Greek number that was called out rather than change it. Some languages did not have a ‘numerical equivalent’ and the Church was interested in preserving the books, not editing or something to that affect.
One of the books that discuss this issue is one of Karl Keating’s books, I beleive it is
Catholicism and Fundamentalism, but I could be wrong. So many books, memory can fail. I can’t remember for sure if
The Antichrist by Vincent Micelli, SJ (Spelling?) or
The Rapture Trap by Paul Thigpin touch on this specifc topic.
Just as an aside to the topic:* The Antichrist* is a pretty good book, I found it hard to get started, then had a hard time putting it down. Father Micelli goes through the “Antichrist” like figures that arise periodically in history from Nero to more modern times.
Anyway, I’ll look in the Keating book tonight if I have time. We are having an Advent festival tonight, our RCIA people will be there and my grandson, so I’ll be busy. Also, we moved this summer, some of my books are still in boxes! So many books, so few shelves