RightAlmost all humans are born with the chromosomes and the body of either male or female.
Compatible male female parts for the purpose of reproduction ultimately makes humans hetero. They exist for a purpose. Like the digestion system exists for a purpose.Presumably that is what you mean by “hetero”.
Well people can be attracted to a lot of things which are not in line with reality. Youth may or may not have a disposition towards same sex attraction. The question being what is the source of that attraction. Environment? Something chemical within? Both? If it is something physical or chemical then produce it. Because everything else indicates they are hetero. Behaviors can become habits and habits can become addictions.Some additional facts are that about 3% of these persons however experience same sex attraction and not opposite sex attraction.
I do admit i do not know everything. My assumptions are based on what i do know, not on what i do not know. If people are born with a disposition towards same sex attraction then in order to be consistent a female is born to be a prostitute or another may be born to be attracted to animals. That is in spite of their physiology. If the one is true then the others are also valid. The problem being homo apologists draw the line at same sex attraction and dismiss the other possibilities. They are inconsistent. If a youth has a same sex attraction, then can it be overcome or are they stuck for life? Homo apologists claim they are stuck for life and i say BS. So does Christianity, by the way. Although not in those terms.Biology is a good deal broader than genetics, and the reference you make above to “the gay gene” suggests broad ignorance of the nature of genetic influence on complex traits, or a will to be flippant and belittle the possibility.
OK. Then a youth’s sexual attraction towards anything is not imagined. So? It does not mean they have to do anything about it nor does it mean they are stuck for life.The cause(s) of homosexuality are not understood, but surely we agree that (at least in most cases):
- it is not imagined by those who experience it;
Right. It could be a conscious choice via expedience or influenced by environment. A means to an end. I would imagine it is far easier to obtain sex rewards from another member of the same sex then it is from the opposite sex. With same sex there is none of the inhibitors which exist naturally within opposite sex attractions. When it is male on male they are on the same page for the same reasons. No need to worry about pregnancy.
- it is not a conscious choice, eg. to be “different”;
Well where does a 13 year old boy get HIV when he did not have it at ten? Another 13 year old boy? Where did he get it from? If he catches it there has to be a source. It is not unreasonable to assume seduction from an older adult. Now if i had a 13 year old son who came down with HIV, I would want to know how he got it. Wouldn’t you? Would you automatically exclude older adults?
- it’s not the result of a “seduction” by some other/older person;
- there actually is a desire present for the same sex, and an absence of the corresponding desire for the opposite sex.
Open minds are fine, just a long as the brains don’t fall out in the process and are not penalized for not knowing everything. Science is not the ultimate explainer of everything. Nor is it a tenant of science. The current ideas science can be the ultimate explainer cannot be validated scientifically. Scientists interpret info not science. Their interpretations are based largely on their philosophical assumptions and can be influenced by political impositions. There are realities which can be perceived apart from science.Scientific research is at an early stage. It behoves us to keep an open mind.