I’d hope you’d be incorrect. I am wondering whether these were weapons of necessity or were barbaric. Despite the tragedy of the people killed, maimed, or burned due to these weapons, there were also many lives saved, potentially millions. Had we invaded Japan, the US death toll likely would have been 1.1 million instead of 400,000 during the war and many millions of Japanese soldiers and civilians would have also been killed.I’d be willing to bet there was a much lower chance that we would have used these weapons in Europe.
Unfortunately these are simply estimates and I suspect justification of the act was built in. It must be remembered that we intentionally left Hiroshima and Nagasaki alone such as to observe the results. We used these people as part of an experiment.Had we invaded Japan, the US death toll likely would have been 1.1 million instead of 400,000 during the war and many millions of Japanese soldiers and civilians would have also been killed.
This was not a factor. What is known was not widely accepted at the end of the war. You must remember the results of the Holocaust were mainly discovered by the Russians, many of the horrific video clips you see were actually shot by the Russians. If racial bias was not present, then we should have rounded up all of the German and Italian US citizens in the same way as we did the Japanese at the beginning of the war.If race (i.e. including them being European) meant we didn’t drop the nuclear weapons in Germany, than we would be cowards who didn’t fight the war with the necessity to achieve victory and topple a regime that massacred 11-13 million people, including 6 million Jews.
This is a form what-about-ism. Just because they did horrific things it doesn’t exonerate all the things we did. Yes fighting the war to its completion was a moral thing to do given their actions, just not necessarily the means.The Japanese emperor also killed many of his own citizens. The smallest estimates are 3-10 million people while the largest estimates are 10-30 million people by the Japanese emperor.
You must know that the science behind the Manhattan Project, which started in 1942, was well understood by even junior Physicists. The problem was the Engineering of the bomb.However, when the work on the bomb was started, the impetus was Germany. US work on the bomb was started before Pearl Harbor.
Again, facts, figures, dates, or whatever are not the point. Your house gets broken into, you buy a sub-machine gun in case someone else does. A different person breaks in, you have a choice of a hand gun or the sub-machine gun. Justifying the use of the sub-machine gun over the hand gun is not dependent of the first break-in.Actually, Roosevelt approved the bomb program in October 1941.
More people would likely have been killed on both sides if the allies had invaded Japan.Yes fighting the war to its completion was a moral thing to do given their actions, just not necessarily the means.