The Japanese were also working on a nuclear bomb during WWII.The urgency of our bomb development program was specifically aimed at use in Europe, fueled by the fear that the Germans would get the bomb first.
The Japanese were also working on a nuclear bomb during WWII.The urgency of our bomb development program was specifically aimed at use in Europe, fueled by the fear that the Germans would get the bomb first.
If you study history, you will find that Hitler was pursuing the bomb himself. Do you think he would have used it on Europe, Russia, and the U.S.?I’d be willing to bet there was a much lower chance that we would have used these weapons in Europe.
Categorically untrue. Check the facts, not someone’s opinion. Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were strategic targets with war materiel making capabilities.we methodically chose to use them on cities of no military importance
True. But the U.S. had to select cities that were conventional military targets, because to bomb a target that wasn’t was to admit killing massive amounts of people for shock purposes only. The choice of Hiroshima and Nagasaki gave the U.S. some justification for using the bomb as a military weapon, and not a weapon of mass terror.That is, it was not the destruction of that military capacity (or deaths) in itself that was the primary goal of the bombing, it was the breaking of the Japanese will to continue the fighting, by doing so with such economy of effort: one plane/ one bomb/one day.
Again, the vital consideration. The A-Bomb had to look like a military weapon and not a weapon of simple mass destruction, read-terror.inclusion of targets of military value,