8 Of The Craziest Items In The $900 Billion COVID Blue-State Bailout Bill

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Taking advantage of a crisis to funnel taxpayer bucks to buddies.

One day when we wake up a third world country, you will know why it happened. Corruption.


8 Of The Craziest Items In The $900 Billion COVID Blue-State Bailout Bill

The prohibitively long and oddly complex document that bails out states that have decided to harm their own citizens contains ridiculous provisions with no connection to the pandemic.

December 23, 2020 By Paulina Enck

After a long, arduous process of political agendas taking priority over helping Americans suffering under unending lockdowns, killing their ability to provide for themselves, Congress passed a COVID spending bill on Monday evening, after lawmakers came to a compromise on Sunday. The relief package includes many of the expected items, while also including many bizarre items unrelated to the pandemic and its associated economic issues. . . .

. . . . Pakistan is receiving $25 million in a package supposedly aimed to help America get through the shutdowns; $15 million is going to “democracy programs,” while another $10 million is being allocated towards unspecified “gender programs.”

After receiving $25 million in the first COVID stimulus, the Kennedy Center is receiving $40 million for operations, maintenance, and renovations. Unsurprisingly, several senators and representatives, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., are on the board.

The bill is quite preoccupied with diversity endeavors within the government. The Office of Diversity and Inclusion of the Appropriations Committee are receiving $1.5 million. Further, the bill gives national intelligence 180 days to demonstrate “exercising hiring flexibilities” to “assure quality and diversity of the workforce.”

As the entire world is facing the effects of the coronavirus, it might make sense the bill would have a section focused on “Global Health.” What makes less sense is spending nearly $200 million on new cars for foreign HIV/AIDS workers. Helping federal health workers abroad . . .

. . . Aside from allocating hundreds of millions of dollars to wholly unrelated projects, the purported relief bill is filled with arbitrary, vague, oppressive, or merely irrelevant regulations.

The last COVID spending spree severely hampered states’ ability to increase school choice with their education allocation. . . .

. . . While Americans struggle financially and psychologically, Congress also focused on the all-important world of horse racing regulations. . . .
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How Congress Can Give Americans $2K Relief Checks and Cut Omnibus Pork to Pay for It​

Rebecca Mansour, John Binder and John Carney

24 Dec 2020 Breitbart news

President Donald Trump has urged Congress to increase the amount of the direct relief payments to Americans to $2,000 by cutting out the unrelated pork in the coronavirus rescue package and government spending bill. Breitbart News has calculated how much that increase would cost and what could be cut from the 5,593-page omnibus bill to offset it.

The House and Senate passed the combined $900 billion coronavirus relief package and $1.4 trillion government spending bill on Monday night, but the massive 5,593-page omnibus bill immediately drew criticism for sending billions of dollars of aid to foreign countries while only allotting $600 relief checks for Americans.

Populists on the right and left, led by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), argued that sending direct coronavirus relief checks to Americans provides the easiest and most equitable way to get funding to where it can have the most impact in helping people . . .

. . . Abraham Lincoln, who once said, “The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done, but can not do at all, or can not so well do, for themselves in their separate and individual capacities.” When the economy was hit by the pandemic and the government enforced lockdowns, it became impossible for many Americans to “do for themselves” what they “need to have done” to support themselves.

Giving relief checks directly to American citizens allows them to meet their needs as they see fit. Conservative Republicans have argued for years that individuals know better than government bureaucrats how to spend their money. Replacing direct payments with targeted funding for one group or corporation simply allows the political class to pick winners and losers; and more important, it allows the Swamp to direct benefits to their donors and pet causes. . . .

. . . In November, the U.S. poverty rate rose to 11.7 percent, a jump of 2.4 percent since June, marking the highest single year increase since the government began tracking poverty 60 years ago. Nearly 12 million Americans owe an average of $5,850 in back rent and utilities, the Washington Post reports. The nation’s homeless population could increase by 40 to 45 percent this year, according to a Columbia University study. Homeless shelters across the country are struggling to accommodate a surge in people needing assistance.

Another study found that an estimated 5.4 million Americans lost their employer health insurance . . .
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Rand Paul EXPLODES On Senate Floor Over $600 COVID Stimulus Checks​

Dinesh D’Souza Published December 21, 2020 623,962 Views


Here were the suggestions Breitbart had for cutting this monstrosity of a bill and funneling the money to the American people directly instead.
  • $8 billion for the Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism
  • $1.7 billion for USAID operations abroad
  • $26.5 billion for “Bilateral Economic Assistance” abroad
  • $3.3 billion for “Global Health Programs”
  • $4.4 billion for “International Disaster Assistance”
  • $3.4 billion for “Refugee Assistance”
  • $2.4 billion for “democracy programs”
  • $1.7 billion for Jordan
  • $1.9 billion for “international food aid”
  • $35 billion in new clean energy initiatives to fight climate change
  • $9 billion for “international security assistance”
  • $5.9 billion for the “President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)”
  • $950 million for “basic education” programs in foreign countries
  • $740.3 million for “educational and cultural exchange” programs in foreign countries
  • $1.5 billion for “Contributions to International Organizations”
  • $224 million tax breaks for motor sports venues
  • $16 billion tax credit for businesses that hire individuals facing “significant barriers to employment”
  • $1 billion tax credit for “special expensing rules for entertainment productions”
  • $13 billion tax breaks for clean energy initiatives
  • $9 billion in tax credits for beer, wine, and distilled spirits producers
  • $2 billion “to enable better scientific information about the Earth and its changing climate”
  • $16.2 billion in excess funding for transportation, housing, and urban development
  • $19.2 billion in excess funding for the Department of Labor, Department of Education, and Health and Human Services
  • $6.9 billion in excess funding for energy and water development
  • $12.3 billion in excess funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency
TOTAL CUTS: $203,814,000,000

These are, of course, merely suggestions. Congress is free to ignore them. . .

Tucker: Congress tells struggling Americans to take ‘$600 and shut up’​


Dec 22, 2020
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I have been signed up for a $2,000 a month Universal Basic Income for over a year and 1/2.

The earliest Universal Basic Income website I was signed up on was almost 2 Years 10 months ago.
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I see a lot of billions there! $600 is peanuts!
The Democrats proposed $2000 months ago, but the Republicans wouldn’t go for it. Now that the Democrats have compromised and agreed to the $600 the Republicans insisted on, Trump has refused to sign the bill, saying instead he wants to see $2000 checks to the people - just like what the Democrats wanted. One may think this is a sign that the President is capable of “reaching across the aisle”. But I think he is just going for whatever produces the maximum amount of chaos, so that the news will be all about him again. Also the Republicans in the Senate have already gone on record saying that $2000 is out of the question. So Trump knew that insisting on $2000 was only going to be a PR stunt and not actually result in any relief at all going out. But he look like he was all for the people.
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how odd, the authors of the article left out the tax breaks and benefits for the wealthy. Again.
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how odd, the authors of the article left out the tax breaks and benefits for the wealthy. Again.
How about that. I’m sure they’ll be publishing a corrected article soon. Right?
I remember months ago being promised a check possibly every month or every other month. Finally, 8 months later they are talking about a second check of
only $600 while billions go to foreign countries.

Why can’t they just have a bill designed to help Americans with covid relief?!

Maybe the democrats agreed to the $600 because they want the billions now to go to foreign countries.
There isn’t enough now to give $2000 to Americans.
Maybe the democrats agreed to the $600 because they want the billions now to go to foreign countries
They had to agree to the $600 because that was as high as the Republicans would go. Their original plan was $2000 – you know, the same amount Trump is now insisting on.
Maybe the republicans were wanting to give a monthly check or every 2 months and they felt $2000 was too
high. After 8 months of no checks, the president probably realizes Americans need more than $600 and he is not “the republicans”.

Chris Bedford: Congress’s COVID Relief Bill Is A Wasteful Embarrassmento​

December 23, 2020 By Tristan Justice

Federalist Senior Editor Chris Bedford railed against the latest coronavirus relief package passed by Congress as a special interest-tailored bill riddled with wasteful spending that has nothing to do with the ongoing pandemic.

“This was an embarrassing bill, at the end of the day, with the amount of money that went to things that should not have been going toward,” Bedford said. . . . .
Remember both sides signed off on this and most of it was Republican ideas.
In the national political sphere . . .

All Democrats are leftists. Many Republicans are leftists.

The COVID-relief bill is a mistake. It is a Universal Basic Income trick.

UBI’s will come with “strings attached”. Just like Government handouts always do.

And those handouts will be meant to socially engineer you sooner or later.

The US dollar will be destroyed by financial tricks such as this too.

Federal Reserve Notes.–Think “bolivars”.
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