Eh…most of the priests I know who “vacation in Rome” are going on a freebie ticket in return for taking 2 dozen of us unruly parishioners on a pilgrimage. And believe me, that can be a very tough job.
Most priests are not living the high life.
And yes, the church IS doing all that it can to see that it doesn’t happen again. Aren’t you a lawyer, SHB? If so, I would think you would be able to read about crimes without getting too emotional, and also understand the purposes of this type of “grand jury report” and see that the cases in it are old and that the current cases are being quickly prosecuted. Or did I get you mixed up with one of the dozen other lawyers on here?
I’ll tell you what I did this evening…went to Mass (which turned out to be somebody’s funeral that I didn’t know was scheduled, but it was very nice, I prayed for the deceased) and said my Novena for Our Nation rosary and prayers (which are directed to this very situation).
And here’s what I did yesterday evening…the same thing (only no funeral)
And here’s what I did the evening before that…the same thing (only it was a High EF Mass for the Assumption)
And here’s what I hope to do tomorrow…the same thing (maybe with some time for Adoration which I didn’t get to do this week because of work and because the Holy Day caused the regular parish Adoration day to be cancelled)
You might try doing some of the same
It makes one feel much more peaceful and also is a positive action we can take, as I pray for everyone involved in the situation and for our country and our Church and our priests etc.