I totally agree that one is too many and it does make you feel sick. Sadly these priests who have done this have also made good, holy priests look bad. That is sad also. Besides staying for Jesus, the saints and the Eucharist, these good priests need to know we are still here. How hurtful this is to them. Also, where can you go in the world where there isn’t any sinners? Sexual sin is prevelant and our Lady of Fatima told us it would be. There is no where to go that wouldn’t put our souls in greater danger.
I also think that we need to show ourselves different than the secular world. Not complacent but forgiving and merciful. That is how Jesus would want us to be in the end. Yes, angry and upset over the sins but forgiving of the abusers and trusting in Him that He is the one who casts judgement. We forgive so we ourselves can also be forgiven. We can work very hard towards a solution, including in our own homes and communities, all the while forgiving those involved in the scandal. Forgiveness doesn’t mean no justice for those involved.
I think it is also important to remember, we too are sinners. Jesus would be asking us why do we have a stone to throw? Today in my prayers, I decided to drop mine and rather work with the Catholic church to bring an end to the problem and work towards healing.