9 priests in my diocese have sexually abused a minor/minors since 1968

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In other words, it was that I hadn’t read the thread, not that a non-lawyer couldn’t understand the nuances of the discussion.

Very well.
If I left the church I don’t think I’d be Protestant. I’d probably just be nothing
I know we have had this discussion before. That would be a faith problem on your part. If you are willing to give up receiving the Eucharist because of anything you have a faith problem.
I have a priest who is like a best friend of mine. I have also personally seen some other shining examples of wonderful priests in my time on this earth. But I have seen horrors as well. I think its a test of faith for this generation. Some are going to fail, others will not.
I don’t think I’d ever leave after my confession yesterday.
I am going to come out and say what is in my heart about this. If anything can turn you from God and the church Christ founded, there is something wrong with your faith that needs to be dealt with. Look, I am a survivor of clergy abuse myself. It did not destroy my faith. It was a test I had to undergo to strengthen it. I have had times where I found it nearly impossible to trust again, and what I did, was turn to Jesus, and I pleaded for help with that, I never gave up even when it felt like it was killing me.
I’m sorry.

This kind of hurt can be overcome.

My father was a child molester. We grew up in abuse. People presumed because of this we would never be able to trust men, at all. And for awhile that’s exactly how I was. When I saw fathers with their children I presumed they were hurting those children. It wasn’t MEN that I distrusted, it was fathers.

My sister, the one who bore the worst of the abuse, has four beautiful children and a husband whom she trusts completely with those children.

Watching her learn how to trust fathers helped me learn how to let go of my distrust and hurt.

I’m just married and I trust my fellow completely.

It’s really easy when we see these abuses to become jaded and to think everyone is guilty, everyone is evil, everyone is suspect… but it’s important not to do that for your own peace of mind. That kind of anger hurts you, not the ones who did wrong.

It’s hard to trust again, it can take time, but eventually it will come and you’ll have new skills to recognize evil.

PS: I do understand distrusting the ‘system’ that failed. My sister and I both spoke out and told adults (teachers, social workers) about the abuse. Nobody did anything. So I get the added layer of hurt that comes from those who should do something NOT doing something but again… that anger should be aimed at the individuals not the institution. Just MHO.
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Even one priest is too many. I feel sick to my stomach. I’m scared because the last few days I’ve wanted to leave the church but I don’t think I will. I don’t want to leave Jesus or the saints or the eucharist. I just find it hard to trust priests now
This is not the first time that members of the clergy have been found to be unfaithful. It won’t be the last. Take heart though, Christ is still present in the Church, and he will continue to do so. There are still plenty of faithful men who serve the Church. Pray for the Church. Your prayers are needed.
You ought to find out the comparable numbers of public school teachers in the county (dioceses are typically much larger than counties) who have abused.

9 since 1968…very very small %
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The biggest thing I have against this argumentation is that it sounds like an excuse (it pretty much is), it doesn’t make the distinction between the grace of God and sinful man, it ignores the fact that the cover up is the bigger scandal, and it ignores the special trust that are placed within clergy. Personally I think it is better to acknowledge the failure in a humble attitude of repentance and point to Christ. Sorry, didn’t mean to jump on your comment. Hope that came off as in a spirit of love.
Exactly what he wants, satan will think he has won if every Catholic walks away.
It’s no excuse. Zero cases is the goal, in fact, ZERO is really not the goal. Zero is really the goal of a lukewarm soul. The goal should be in the other direction entirely: that priests (and you and I too) are so much the image and constant presence of Jesus Christ in our own little part of the world that millions of souls are drawn to the Church, to Our Lord Himself.

That’s the goal.

But there is a group of shaky faith people who are ever ready to slide out of the boat in the storm and think that the safe and good place is on the shore somewhere else.
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This priest Dennis Gray taught at our school in the 70’s. He would invite minors to his residence and give them alcohol. I remember drinking beer with a bunch of us and thinking something wasn’t quite right. It was sad and pathetic.
He also invited young men and boys to his cabin in Michigan.

At the same time Gray was an associate at our parish, we had a pastor name Robert Thomas who was later arrested for sex with a male minor.
The diocese helped cover this up.

There are others.
In fact I just now discovered after reading this whole article that the replacement for Denny Gray, Fr Liston, raped a school-mate of mine the year I graduated.
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I am so sorry for you guys who are in affected parishes 😦 I am inspired by you by remaining faithful despite these awful betrayals.
I am so sorry for you guys who are in affected parishes 😦 I am inspired by you by remaining faithful despite these awful betrayals.
I will remain faithful to the Catholic Church, but I am not enabling corrupt leadership with subservience or cash.
Yes each to their own, but in service to the Body of Christ.
We we are called to act prudently and wisely. Those are virtues that every human person must employ when making decisions.
A Catholic can remain faithful to Christ and the Church (those are one and the same) and make difficult prudential judgments about how to share time, talent, and treasure.
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I didn’t question that. I am just a little puzzled as to why you are telling me what you are doing lol I understand
Ah there is another poster with a green H! That explains the confusion. I totally get where you are coming from btw as regards money. Maybe in the mean time give to CAFOD until you feel able to give to the diocese
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