I don’t want to sound jaded, but there were already dozens of abuser priests (some of whom were convicted or laicized) up on
bishop-accountability.org for years before this report came out, from every diocese in the USA pretty much.
I’m sorry you feel bad for just finding out about this now, but this stuff has been known for years. I used to read stories about certain abusers from certain localities in the local newspapers, back when I still read newspapers. If we had been one parish over from where we were or I had been more organized, we might have had Fr. Maskell from “The Keepers” doing our wedding. (One of my work mates was actually married by him.) A priest from a church I go to regularly was just prosecuted and thrown in prison a couple years ago.
Yet you were being a faithful Catholic all the time these priests were sinning.
What has changed now except you got around to reading about it? Nothing.
What has changed between you yourself and Jesus Christ? Nothing.