A big favor for all that will listen and take it to heart

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There is a good chance my sister-in-law may be experiencing complications with her pregnancy.

In the past she almost died due to an ectopic pregancy and also had a few miscarriages. This time some tests came out that are questionable.

The favor I ask if for your prayers for her and ESPECIALLY if you can have masses said for her. Her name is: Maribelle O’Brien.

Thank you can God Bless you
I clicked on that web site polly anna provided and recited the prayer to St Gerard Magella for Maribelle.
May God protect her and her baby, so the two may be mother and child
Love Kellie
I’m adding your sister-in-law to my prayer intentions. May the Lord watch over her, and the baby.

JMJ, pray for us,
Yes, I will keep them both in my prayers. I will pray specifically to St. Therese for them and to both of their guardian angels who love them and work to protect them. Please keep us updated on the situation.

Will do also. May God’s Will bring you and your sister peace and contentment.
James - I’m curious to know how this situation is going with your sister-in-law. Did it end up being another ectopic pregnancy? I’ve been keeping her in my prayers as I’ve gone through a similar situation. Just let us know the update when you get a chance! 😉

I will add her and you in my intentions when I am in prayer with the rosary and during my evening prayers.

Go with God!
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