A Bunch of Krabby Paties

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Maureen Dowd of the New York Times, and no friend of the Bush administration, or James Dobson, raves and rants once again.

Its not Maureen Dowd, its Moron Dowd for Pete’s sake.

Here’s the point she and her “progressive” left-wing idealogues miss: Elementary school children, particularly those who like watching cartoons, are not ready to handle the concept of “sexual identity”. Using their icons to promote and explore anything about sex during the period of sexual latency (birth to about 12) is nothing short of abuse and demonstrates the level to which this self-serving, self-absorbed group of misfits will sink.

Further, Dr. Dobson has articulated quite clearly that tolerance, as we use it in our modern vocabulary, equates to acceptance. He is simply asking that parents be made aware of the fact that the message behind this video is acceptance of people regardless of their sexual preferences, a position with which they might not agree. Further, if we are trying to protect our children from child predators, telling them that any sexual preference is OK is somewhat contradictory. Pretty heavy stuff for kindergarteners, eh? Children are not ready to understand normal sexuality, never mind perversion. That’s Dr. Dobson’s message and I fully agree.

More moronic spin from the left. Oh, and by the way, how many children does Maureen Dowd have? Oh really. That’s what I thought so what is her interest in children anyway???
Does the cartoon promote gay sex? OR is it about accepting differences in others?
Of course the blurb on AOL made it seem harmless but TimeWarner owns AOL, and CNN. CNN showed a gay couple frenching in Central Park during the snow storm and interviewed two lesbians who were jogging together during the storm as well.
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