A busy priest

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I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem.

I know our priest is a VERY BUSY man, but it drives me insane when I talk with him ( yes, by appointment) and he checks his watch, he even does this during confessions.

Believe it or not, my time is also valuable, but is it wrong to expect his FULL attention? Sometimes I fight the urge to tell him its rude to check his watch when I am talking with him. It’s to the point where I no longer want to talk with him, and have thought about going to a neighbor parish and talk with their priest. But my priest knows my worries and concerns and I know he cares, HE’S JUST A BUSY MAN.

Not really sure what to do.
You should politely tell him that he makes you feel like you are unimportant and that he’s too busy for you. Tell him what you just told us-that you know he’s a busy man with a lot on his mind, but politely ask him if he could try to give you the full attention you deserve.

This priest probably doesn’t even realize he’s offended you. He may be unaware that he has these habits. I would hope that he would want to know because he’s probably done it with others in the parish, too. He sounds like he’s like a lot of priests these days, too much on his plate and weighed-down by the “administration” of the position he’s in.

Scout :tiphat:
I prefer that someone tell me what he wants instead of hinting. But, when someone keeps looking at his watch, he is telling me he wants me to leave. I take the hint, tell him its time for me to go. If he wants me to stay for a few minutes longer he will tell me. Otherwise, I say goodbye and leave.
Smile and say “Do you remember when George HW Bush keep looking at his watch…he blew the debate, and lost the election. Good thing we are not debating, huh Father?”
Our priest is a “Type A” personality kinda guy. Everything he does is in “overdrive”. But when he checked his watch during confession and said others may be waiting, thats when I really started to entertain the idea of going else where, at least for one-on-one talks.

I feel in my heart he does not mean to be rude, but like said, he has WAY to much on his plate. We are a growing parish, with a new church being built in the near future plus a school. So, ya,HE’S BUSY. I find myself praying for him not to “burn out”. He’s only 39.

I thought about mentioning how “nice” his new watch looked :rolleyes: …Maybe that might give him the hint. 😃
Why don’t you nicely say, “Oh I’m sorry… do you have to be somewhere?” Maybe he doesn’t even realize that he checks his watch all the time… maybe it’s just a habit? Or maybe… and I mean this in the nicest possible way, maybe you are talking just a bit too much? Because as you said, he is a very busy man and probably has to make time for everybody? Just something to consider?

Sometimes I tend to be a bit “chatty”, but usually only when I am nervous, and trust me, Confession makes me nervous. :yup:

Note to self: come prepared with a list 🤓

Just so you know, I’m “chatty” too which is why I suggested that to you. As they say, it takes one to know one! 👋 CM
There are many in Catholic churches that are praying to God to send them a busy priest, because they don’t have any priest.

May God bless you,
Deacon Tony SFO
They are lucky they haven’t run into me. I’d probably start singing “I didn’t know what time it was, then there came you” when I got around him.
I know Deacon Tony, and I pray to God with all my heart thanking Him for our wonderful priest.

Confession is a rather nerve racking time for me, still getting the hang of it all. Being a recent convert, I spent 41 years NOT confessing ANY sins. I guess I just have this vision in my mind of how its supposed to be instead of focusing on whats REALLY IMPORTANT.

I needed that reminder Deacon Tony, thank you my friend.

And Chicago?, if I starting singing in the confessional, I would have to add the sin of causing serious injury to another… 😃
I could “crack” glass…and poor fathers eardrums… 😛
One day, I did the math. My parish has 1000 families. Taking an average of 4 people per family that is 4000 members = 1 Priest.

There are 168 hours in a week.

If we allow our Priest 10 hours of personal time each day (sleeping, eating, grooming, study, recreation, etc.) – that leaves 98 hours in the week.

Our parish has 10 Masses each week (Daily Mass M-F, Sat Evening, and 4 Masses on Sunday). While some Masses are shorter and some longer, for the sake of my exerccise I allowed 1.5 hours per Mass (includes prep before Mass, and time after Mass). There is also one scheduled hour of Confession on Saturday – that means another 16 hours each week for Mass/Confessions.

We now have 82 hours or 4920 minutes of time for Father to divide between his parishioners. That leaves 1.23 minutes per parishioner per week. (Not allowing for hospital/nursing home visits, Parish Business, the School or the hundred other things that go on…) No wonder our priest is always in a hurry!
And Chicago?, if I starting singing in the confessional, I would have to add the sin of causing serious injury to another… 😃
I could “crack” glass…and poor fathers eardrums… 😛
People in glass confessionals should not throw voices of song.
I know our priest is a VERY BUSY man, but it drives me insane when I talk with him ( yes, by appointment) and he checks his watch, he even does this during confessions.
I’m only in RCIA – and not yet too experienced with Eucharistic Adoration nor with the Communion of the Saints.

At least sometimes – when you go to Eucharistic Adoration spend time with Jesus without your watch. I think the Lord loves it when we aren’t in a rush when we visit Him.

I also think that this is one big advantage the Saints have over us living. When we go to a Saint in prayer, we can spend as much time with them as we want.

Catholic Forums is a great help with many typical questions.

I think Jesus and the Saints know if we are depending more on them when we don’t have as much guidance. For example, when I was still inquiring and didn’t know where to get answers.

My priest is also very busy and he is a very good priest. Once I left a voice message on his answering machine with just a few short questions. And I asked that he reply to my voice mailbox. He did, and I can replay his response anytime. I got a lot out of it and my priest didn’t have to take too much time.

A good question to ask a Priest is what book you should read (given your station in life, etc.). I think my Priest is happy to answer that question for anyone who asks. And if you read their suggested books, I suppose you would be quite blessed by it.

kage_ar: I agree – if you do the math it is extraordinary.
During daily confessions before the evening Mass (1/2 hour before), our priest had better be checking his watch, as he needs to have 5 minutes to vest and start Mass. Now, he can hear quite a few confessions in that half-hour, provided you keep them to 2 minutes or less. Which is why I continue to push the advice (regarding confession anyway) to be brief, be blunt, and be gone.
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