A catholic who is a mason

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Hello everyone. This is my first post on this board. I would appreciate some honest, open-minded feedback on an issue. I am about to join the Knights of Columbus in the next month or so. I am also a mason. I have come to the understanding that the church frowns on catholics being masons. I have been in the masons for over a year and to be honest, I don’t see what all the hype is about. I find that the rituals are interesting and steeped in history and tradition of the old testament.
The only thing that was asked of me was if I believed in a supreme being, not what religion I was or what church or parished I belonged to. One thing we are taught as masons is that all men are equal within a lodge, whether rich or poor, catholic, methodist, muslim or other, all men are equal.
Your discussion would be appreciated.
I was told years ago by someone that it is a mortal sin to be in the masons if you are Catholic ,a lthough they do some good things .I believe there is some thing in there history and teaching which go against Catholicism.I am sure other more educated members will fill you in on the details. Maybe this has changed over the years. I surely am not the all knowing Catholic but I know I heard this at one time…Hopefully that is not still true today…I think the Shriners ( although they do tremendous good are even frowned upon) .
This has been discussed on this board numerous of times in the past and based on what has been previously said, it is MY understanding that any Catholic who joins the masons is AUTOMATICLY excommunicated from the Catholic church and barred from all of the sacraments.

You many want to do a search on these forums to see what official sources were referenced in obtaining this conclusion.
Sir Knight:
This has been discussed on this board numerous of times in the past and based on what has been previously said, it is MY understanding that any Catholic who joins the masons is AUTOMATICLY excommunicated from the Catholic church and barred from all of the sacraments.

You many want to do a search on these forums to see what official sources were referenced in obtaining this conclusion.
Thank you for YOUR insight. I guess I’ll just have to either ask the Holy Father himself or seek guidance from the Almighty. Either way I think my soul will be just fine.
I was told years ago by someone that it is a mortal sin to be in the masons if you are Catholic ,a lthough they do some good things .I believe there is some thing in there history and teaching which go against Catholicism.I am sure other more educated members will fill you in on the details. Maybe this has changed over the years. I surely am not the all knowing Catholic but I know I heard this at one time…Hopefully that is not still true today…I think the Shriners ( although they do tremendous good are even frowned upon) .
There was that whole thing between the Templars and Pope Clement V back in 1305(?). But as I recall that was more about money then herachy. But I could be wrong. But then again, I could be right.
Iron Duke:
Thank you for YOUR insight. I guess I’ll just have to either ask the Holy Father himself or seek guidance from the Almighty. Either way I think my soul will be just fine.
This sounds like a sarcastic response to a genuine reply.

Sir Knight suggested that you do a search to discover official sources.

The Holy Father, Pope Clement XII’s Constitution In Eminenti said this: “…We have resolved and decreed to condemn and forbid such societies, assemblies, aggregations or meetings called either Freemasonic or known under some other name. We condemn and forbid them by this Our present Constitution, which is to be considered valid forever.”

This judgment has never been revoked but rather, has been repeated with greater force by 10 successive popes, right up to the 20th century.

You will of course do whatever you choose, but don’t you think that, since if you are wrong you immortal soul is at stake, you owe it to yourself to genuinely seek the teaching of the Church on this matter?
If you are seriously wanting the current Holy Father’s position, he issued a Declaration on Nov. 26, 1983 as Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Declaration on Masonic Associations.
It has been asked whether there has been any change in the Church’s decision in regard to Masonic associations since the new Code of Canon Law does not mention them expressly, unlike the previous code.
    This sacred congregation is in a position to reply that this circumstance is due to an editorial criterion which was followed also in the case of other associations likewise unmentioned inasmuch as they are contained in wider categories.
    Therefore, the Church's negative judgment in regard to Masonic associations remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and, therefore, membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful, who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.
    It is not within the competence of local ecclesiastical authorities to give a judgment on the nature of Masonic associations which would imply a derogation from what has been decided above, and this in line with the declaration of this sacred congregation issued Feb. 17,1981. [1]
    In an audience granted to the undersigned cardinal prefect, the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II approved and ordered the publication of this declaration which had been decided in an ordinary meeting of this sacred congregation.
Rome, from the Office of the Sacred Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith, Nov. 26, 1983
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect
Father Jerome Hamer, O.P., Titular Archbishop of Lorium, Secretary
  1. Cf. AAS 73 (1981) pp. 240-241.
I’m not certain about post Vatican II, but I have a pre-Vatican II book titled My Catholic Faith written by Bishop Louis Morrow in the 1950’s which states that freemasons are denied Catholic burial, incur excommunication, and are not permnitted to serve as Godparents.

According to Bishop Morrow, the reason the Catholic Church condemns freemasonry is because in the eyes of the Chrurch, it is a non-Christian religion and by participating in the rites of masonry, you are participating in non-Christian religious rites, thus de facto excommunicating yourself from the Church.

I know you’ve asked for open minded discussion here, but the fact of the matter is that the Church has condemned freemasonry and prohibits Catholics from being masons.
I can assure you that it surely has Christian base, God, the Bible, St. John and all that. Just not definingly Catholic.
Eileen T:
This sounds like a sarcastic response to a genuine reply.

Sir Knight suggested that you do a search to discover official sources.

The Holy Father, Pope Clement XII’s Constitution In Eminenti said this: “…We have resolved and decreed to condemn and forbid such societies, assemblies, aggregations or meetings called either Freemasonic or known under some other name. We condemn and forbid them by this Our present Constitution, which is to be considered valid forever.”

This judgment has never been revoked but rather, has been repeated with greater force by 10 successive popes, right up to the 20th century.

You will of course do whatever you choose, but don’t you think that, since if you are wrong you immortal soul is at stake, you owe it to yourself to genuinely seek the teaching of the Church on this matter?
I don’t remember a commandment that states “Thou shalt not have a sense of humor”
Iron Duke:
I can assure you that it surely has Christian base, God, the Bible, St. John and all that. Just not definingly Catholic.
It is really rather simple. The Church has made herself clear that Catholics are not to be masons. The choice is yours to be faithful to the teachings of the Church or to be a mason. You can’t be both.
It is really rather simple. The Church has made herself clear that Catholics are not to be masons. The choice is yours to be faithful to the teachings of the Church or to be a mason. You can’t be both.
Funny, because I am. And when did the Church become of the feminine gender? And the Church is, in it’s earthly form, human, and humans are imperfect. My God knows me, and if I am to be judged, it will be by Him, and no one else. Be blessed.
Iron Duke:
Funny, because I am. And when did the Church become of the feminine gender?
If you are a mason, as has been demonstrated to you with various quotes from authoritative Church sources throughout this thread, you are not being faithful to the Church’s teachings regarding freemasonry.

The Church, as the Bride of Christ, is usually referred to by feminine pronouns. Read the Chatechism for several hundred pages of examples.
Iron Duke:
Hello everyone. This is my first post on this board. I would appreciate some honest, open-minded feedback on an issue. I am about to join the Knights of Columbus in the next month or so. I am also a mason. I have come to the understanding that the church frowns on catholics being masons. I have been in the masons for over a year and to be honest, I don’t see what all the hype is about. I find that the rituals are interesting and steeped in history and tradition of the old testament.
The only thing that was asked of me was if I believed in a supreme being, not what religion I was or what church or parished I belonged to. One thing we are taught as masons is that all men are equal within a lodge, whether rich or poor, catholic, methodist, muslim or other, all men are equal.
Your discussion would be appreciated.
Since it seems you are insistent to remain a mason, I would ask that you please reconsider your joining the Knights of Columbus. Please refrain from bringing shame upon yourself and scandal upon that noble order.

Vivat Jesus!

Sir Knight is correct and Eileen T backs it up with documentation.

I would like invite the candidate to the K of C to refer to Father Zuhlsdorf’s examples of mortal sins found under Comandment One, example five.
  1. I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me.
  • Joining the Masons or other secret society.
I would encourage the K of C candidate, or anyone, to carefully review Examination of Conscience, and How to Go to Confession before going to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

As hard as it is to do, there’s not much that can compare to the gift we have in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Every time I go, I walk in with lead in my shoes, but walk out on a cloud. I really don’t know what I’d do without it, and I’m amazed more people don’t avail themselves to this wonderful gift.
Iron Duke:
And the Church is, in it’s earthly form, human, and humans are imperfect. My God knows me, and if I am to be judged, it will be by Him, and no one else. Be blessed.
Have you discussed these heterodox views with the Knights you are joining? Or your priest?

Humans are indeed imperfect, but the Church is kept on the path of Truth by the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is perfect.
I know this may be a silly question, but What are masons and what do you do if you “join”? Just wondering.
Iron Duke:
Hello everyone. This is my first post on this board. I would appreciate some honest, open-minded feedback on an issue…
Geeez! Why the aggression towards eo, when you clearly ask a question…and by golly you got honest answers. It also looks like you don’t like what the answers are sooooooo what gives here :confused:
Hmmm, Mr. Iron Duke in his very first post on Catholic Forums raises a very controversial issue in a very confrontational style, asks for “honest, open-minded feedback”, and then proceeds to rebuff any responses contrary to what he wants to hear. What was that about wanting “honest, open-minded feedback”? There seems to be a disconnect here.
My husband strayed from the Catholic Church for a while and actually joined the masons. For the longest time, he did not see the harm in joining a lodge and being a part of all that stuff. They claimed to be family oriented but always frowned upon his family being a part of anything. They did not do any real charity work to speak of. The yearly dues were outrageous to the tune of almost 200 a year for all the different bodies and such. If he missed a meeting, they were jerks about it. They wanted him to get in the line which he did. I felt like it was a constant struggle between them and the family. Most of the guys were outright racist. Of course in Texas, there are actually two grand lodges, one for whites and one for blacks. All in all, I think it is just a group of good ole boys that tear families apart. Once my husband left the lodge and severed all ties with it, our lives improved greatly. He went to confession and rekindled his membership in the Knights of Columbus. If you are seeking an organization that is all about charity and is welcoming of the family, then the Knights are excellent. I feel that leaving the masons and coming back to the church was the best thing he ever did. I don’t think you can join the Knights and be true to them while still being part of the masons. BTW, I only recently converted to Catholocism so my beef with the masons had nothing to do with church teachings. I wasn’t even a Catholic at the time.
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