This about sums it up. By knowingly being a mason after all the evidence and information available as to why Catholics are **not ** to be involved in this secret society is a mortal sin. Do you want to lose your eternal soul over this organization?It is really rather simple. The Church has made herself clear that Catholics are not to be masons. The choice is yours to be faithful to the teachings of the Church or to be a mason. You can’t be both.
Be glad you are not trying to join my KofC council. I am the Financial Secretary for my council and I would have to object to your trying to join the Knights because by your membership in a masonic body, you are not in full communion with the Church and therefore not a practical catholic as understood by the Church, which is a pre-requisite for joining the Knights of Columbus. I am not so sure that membership in masonry equals ipso facto excommunication, my evidence being the statement issued by the CDF and referenced above, and the Code of Canon Law as promulgated in 1983 (I cannot recall the precise canon) where the language of the penalty for belonging to masonic bodies is changed from “excommunication” to “grave sin.”Funny, because I am. And when did the Church become of the feminine gender? And the Church is, in it’s earthly form, human, and humans are imperfect. My God knows me, and if I am to be judged, it will be by Him, and no one else. Be blessed.
It sounds like you still have a lot to learn about your Catholic Faith. It is always best to learn all you can and be well-grounded in the Faith before branching out and dabbling with either the Masons or the Knights of Columbus, or any other type of side activity.Funny, because I am. And when did the Church become of the feminine gender? And the Church is, in it’s earthly form, human, and humans are imperfect. My God knows me, and if I am to be judged, it will be by Him, and no one else. Be blessed.
Setting aside for a moment the clear breach of the rules of Catholic Church that joining the Masons presents, why would a grown, mature man want to be associated with this type of nonsense? How do you get through an “oath” like this with a straight face?!? Sounds like some fantasy pirate game my 7 y.o. and his friends would make up!I am also very familiar with the masons, having been a member of a lodge and the York and Scottish rites while I was away from the Church for several years…Here are some excerpts from the EA degree as worked in Texas: “I [your name here], of my own free will and accord, do most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear…” This is in the legal form of an oath, not merely an obligation. The penalty for violating the obligation, while symbolic, is also ridiculous: “All of which I do most solemnly promise and swear without any metal reservation, equivocation, or secret evasion of mind binding myself under the penalty of having my throat cut from ear to ear, my tongue torn out from its roots and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea, a cable tows length from shore, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hour, should I knowingly, or wittingly violate or transgress any part of this Entered Apprentice mason’s obligation, so help me God and keep me steadfast.”
That is just the terms used by your locla lower-degree lodge.I can assure you that it surely has Christian base, God, the Bible, St. John and all that. Just not definingly Catholic.
Exactly. As a matter of fact, the Scottish Rite is full of references to a variety of occult traditions, including qabalah, tarot, Rosicrucianism, and more. The principal philosophical work followed by the Scottish Rite in the U.S. is a full of syncretistic errors and occult references. It’s is somewhat interesting, until you dig below the surface a bit and realize that the author of the work is very anti-Catholic and blames the Catholic Church for a host of errors in our society. The current leadership of the Scottish Rite tries to say they are not anti-Catholic, but it’s written into their philosophy whether they like it or not. They would never admit that fact though.That is just the terms used by your locla lower-degree lodge.
To get a feel on a similarly group claiming to be Christian which you do not have a personal affiliation with, search out the reasons the Catholic Church does not accept Mormon Baptism, even though they do use an outwardly trinitarian formula (because they are using “Christian” words" with their own meanings attached). In less Christian areas, the borrowing of Christian terms backs off in lodge use, as it does dramatically as one is invited to the “higher” degrees and lodges.
I am a Knight, and I happen to know that membership in the K of C is only open to a man who is at least 18 and a “practical Catholic” in communion (good standing) with the Catholic Church and the Pope, and due to membership in the masons, which is forbidden by the Church, you are not eligible.Hello everyone. This is my first post on this board. I would appreciate some honest, open-minded feedback on an issue. I am about to join the Knights of Columbus in the next month or so. I am also a mason. .
bkdianne said:-I have a question. I’m a Catholic have been all my life. Attend Mass weekly, etc. I’ve always known the Knights of Columbus to be “a group of Catholic Men” who do good things. Beyond that, I dont know what they do. I was talking to my Son and his friend the other night (24 yrs. old attending college) and came upon the topic of “Knights of Columbus” My sons friend asked a strange question. He wanted to know if I was talking about the KKK??? Now why in the world would he ask me that question. He said that the KKK is called “Knights of Columbus” Can someone help me out here. He keeps asking me if I have found out anything. Of course, I told him there was NO AFFILIATION whatsoever…but why would he ask such a question, and was the KKK called the Knights of Columbus?![]()
Unless you are in the Lincoln, Nebraska Diocese in which case the excommuniation comes from the Bishop (a decision that was recently upheld by the Vatican).Your option is to resign from the masons, go to Confession, since this particular excommunication is probably reserved to a priest, and then you would be eligible for K of C membership.
I trust you will make a faithful decision.
Really, a Catholic who is not faithful to the Pope, Vatican?Funny, because I am.
Maybe off the friend’s Grandpa’s bookshelf then.-My son didn’t ask the question, his friend did. From what I am understanding from my son, his friends Grandfather was a klansman, I guess thats where he heard KOC.![]()