Well, I love that priest he is an awesome priest but the context was that we were in RCIA and talking about purgatory and a girl asked a question basically like “Is there a second chance for people who didn’t believe in God in purgatory?”
I’m trying hard to imagine how would someone make it to Purgatory [which means they are definitely going to Heaven, just getting ready first] without believing in God…I’m not saying it is impossible, if they have a good heart and will, etc…but in practical life, difficult! However, what did that girl mean about “second chance”? If anyone is in Purgatory, THEY MADE IT!
(implying that everyone could have a chance to repent after they died) and that’s when he said “We believe in universal salvation”.
The only time I have heard of “universal salvation” is in opposition to “predestination”…meaning that salvation is open to absolutely everyone who wishes to accept it by using free will. So, not just a few are chosen, everyone is chosen!:yup: However, since we have free will [which predestination limits to a degree] some may choose not to accept.
So, after that I just assumed that maybe some Catholics believed that everyone would eventual go to heaven.
That is our prayer and wish…we pray Jesus will have mercy on those who need it the most…and we will see them in Heaven like prodigal sons…every single one! However, we don’t know who makes it or not…unless God wishes to show us with abundant signs [canonized saints]…otherwise, we have no clue. It just seems to us that chances are slim that everyone will accept our Lord’s invitation
We continue to pray the prayer Our Lady taught us in Fatima…
Oh, my Jesus, forgive us our sins, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Thy Mercy!
But hopefully, I just misunderstood.
Yes, there is a real Hell, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if no humans went there! :bounce:
That’s wonderful, and you probably will have a harder time than we will. God bless you, thanks for the comments.