A confused missionary... needs help!

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Hello, I’m new here. I am 29 years old, have been Catholic 1 year and a Christian for 15 years. I have also been married for 8 years. My husband and I spent more than 10 years training to be Protestant Missionaries. I can’t imagine doing anything with my life besides Missionary work. Now that I’m Catholic, I’m a little confused about how to be a “Catholic Missionary”. A priest I know said that “we believe in universal salvation”, which, I know is not true, but how do I find people who are devoted to preaching the gospel to the lost? When I was a Protestant, there were schools, classes and conferences all the time teaching people how to be missionaries. I have tried various avenues to find advice and help, but now it just seems like we are going to have to figure this all out on our own. Does anyone know any formerly protestant missionary converts to Catholicism? Any help or info. would be **greatly **appreciated!
My dear friend in Christ,


Did you know that fully 10% of all Americans are “Fallen away Catholics?” and that in 1970
about 73% of Catholics actaully practiced their Faitm and that number in 2006 fell to about 23%? Did you know that only about 10% of Catholics go to Confession even once a year?

Friend, their is a URGENT NEED for Missionary work right where you are.

Get involved with RCIA, and CCD programs.

The Catholic Church is America and been transformed into "The American [not Roman] Catholic Church!

God bless you!
Friend, their is a URGENT NEED for Missionary work right where you are.
Get involved with RCIA, and CCD programs.
The Catholic Church is America and been transformed into "The American [not Roman] Catholic Church!
Ain’t that the truth!! I second that, for real!

Onward Catholic Soldiers: The battle is on and there are hearts to be won! :knight2: :knight1:
To PJM and Disciple96

Unfortunately many RCIA and CCD programs are terrible. They are both a cause and effect of the decline of the Church in the USA. To do missionary work in many dioceses in the US it would be necessary to be independent of the local bureaucrats.
To PJM and Disciple96

Unfortunately many RCIA and CCD programs are terrible. They are both a cause and effect of the decline of the Church in the USA. To do missionary work in many dioceses in the US it would be necessary to be independent of the local bureaucrats.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I want to teach with the approval of the Church and I want to teach orthodoxy. But I’ve encountered the resistance you refer to. It’s so sad because I’ve been asked by several people to teach. Well, if it’s God’s will, then He’ll just have to make it possible for it to happen. I’m looking and thinking and collecting ideas and materials. I really really really don’t care for what I’ve seen of the RCIA around here, I know it may be wonderful somewhere, but I’m not fond of what I’ve seen over the past 15 years. I have something very different in mind.
=Sunflower15;5178677]It is interesting that you suggest evangelizing Muslims in the US instead because Islam is the religion with the highest conversion rate [from Christianity to Islam] and I have heard from different Muslims that by far most of the converts are Catholics.
It may be that God is calling this missionary to address this. Besides, even if eventually they move to another country, at least they get practice here focusing on the religious conversion issues rather than the legalities and dangers of evangelizing in countries where that is against the law or at least not acceptable at all.
I would be interested in seeing evudence of this fact. It certainly is possible, but Islam denies the Divenoty of Chrsit and the Blessed Trinity.

I just find it difficult {facts can and will change my mind} that huge numbers are simply chucking everything they once held as true to embrace Islam?

A not for the Orginal OP…

If I undrstood your situation correctly you have been a member of the Catholic Church for a year. May I humbly sugest that you invest some serious time and effort in getting to know not simply what Catholics believe, but of critical importance why and how we have come to believe it.

I am of the mind that soon Christianity in general and Catholism is particular may well be under direct attack from very powerful and well finanaced sources. We may be forced underground. Now is the time to REALLY learn what we believe and how to defend it.

Access to resources may be harder to come by?

I pray that I am wrong, but my gut is telling me I am right.

Love and prayers,

A note for the Orginal OP…

If I undrstood your situation correctly you have been a member of the Catholic Church for a year. May I humbly sugest that you invest some serious time and effort in getting to know not simply what Catholics believe, but of critical importance why and how we have come to believe it.

Without any disrespect, it does seem quite unlikely to me that having knows a faith as complex and all-encompassing as Catholicism for only 1 year, that someone would go to other places to promote it…I worry whether OP will have the maturity in the faith that comes with deep reflection for a period of time…
I have been a Catholic all my life, and grew up in Catholic schools, all the way to college…and still discover very significant truths often!

I am of the mind that soon Christianity in general and Catholism is particular may well be under direct attack from very powerful and well finanaced sources. We may be forced underground. Now is the time to REALLY learn what we believe and how to defend it.

Access to resources may be harder to come by?

I pray that I am wrong, but my gut is telling me I am right.

Love and prayers,

It is true that this has happened many times, at different places. It seems to be cyclical. But I would be surprised if it happened in this country. Who is particular is giving you this impression? The only one group I fear in this country is secularism…
=Sunflower15;5184108]It is true that this has happened many times, at different places. It seems to be cyclical. But I would be surprised if it happened in this country. Who is particular is giving you this impression? The only one group I fear in this country is secularism…
Perhaps I am wrong? Time will tell.

But I am deeply distressed at what I see as a “snowballing” loss of faith.

I’m just trying to understand the “road signs.”

I’m not sure if anyone views what has been called “the One World Order” seriously, but I have. Google it, or New Age, and much of what has taken place in the past 15-20 years seems to be somehow releated.

Three Presidental Elections in a row, Catholics in VERY LARGE nubmers have voted Pro-Choice, divorice among Catholics mirrors the Nation at over 50%, only 23% of professed Catholics practice their faith, and only about 10% reguallarly go to Confession.

The NO Mass. has setteled in as a “personal favorite” among even the 23%, who see nothing irreverant or wrong with laity usurping the role of the Priesthood.

Over 90% of Catholics,risking their very souls, regullarly use Conterception, and same sex “marriage” is gaining inroads.

Oboma has in 100 day’s overturned all of the gains of the Pro-Choice movement in the past twenty years. And He’s just getting started.

Their is much talk of reintroducing “The Freedom of Choice” bill, which will force Catholic radio, and TV, as well as Conserative radio underground.

Obama is rapidily Socializing America, already taking over our banks and Automotive industry, and Healthcare is next.

Uncle Sam will then say who get’s loans and heathcare. This is alreadt true in other Socialized nations, so its more than just a guess.

But hey, maybe you’re right and I’m Parinoid. Then again, maybe I’m not.

Oboma raised {that he admitted to} over $650 Million in his campaign, for a job that pay’s how much? And their is no effort here to buy influence?

Love and prayers,
After reflecting on my life and the lives of others I know personally and the lives of others I have read about I believe that individual Catholics loose their faith by giving in to some habitual sin. The problem may be gambling or alcohol or pride or anger or some sexual sin or some other sin. At first the person struggles against it and goes to confession, but eventually he or she gives up and says either it’s not really a sin or it can’t be avoided. Sometimes such people stay in the Church in some minimal sense and sometimes they try something outside the Church and sometimes they end up as nothing.

All societies are made up of individuals, and so the condition of any society reflects the faith or lack of faith in its members. In the history of the Church there have been many crises. Arianism, the rise of Islam, the Reformation and the Enlightenment are just a few. So today priests, sisters, brothers as well as lay people may be embracing New Age nonsense, but that is just one current manifestation of the loss of faith. From age to age the manifestations may be different, but the solution is always the same. Each of us has to follow Jesus in the Catholic Church through prayer, reading the Bible, confession, Mass, good works and then by trying to influence those we think we can reach.
Hello, I’m new here. I am 29 years old, have been Catholic 1 year and a Christian for 15 years. I have also been married for 8 years. My husband and I spent more than 10 years training to be Protestant Missionaries. I can’t imagine doing anything with my life besides Missionary work. Now that I’m Catholic, I’m a little confused about how to be a “Catholic Missionary”. A priest I know said that “we believe in universal salvation”, which, I know is not true, but how do I find people who are devoted to preaching the gospel to the lost? When I was a Protestant, there were schools, classes and conferences all the time teaching people how to be missionaries. I have tried various avenues to find advice and help, but now it just seems like we are going to have to figure this all out on our own. Does anyone know any formerly protestant missionary converts to Catholicism? Any help or info. would be **greatly **appreciated!
Try the Lay Mission-Helpers Association - laymissionhelpers.org/ - 50 year old lay mission organization - and the Catholic Network of Volunteer Service cnvs.org/aboutus/index.php - a ‘clearing house’ of domestic and international volunteer programs. I know that the Lay Mission-Helpers has had MANY converts to Catholicism serve in their programs - Peace and blessings!
Perhaps I am wrong? Time will tell.

But I am deeply distressed at what I see as a “snowballing” loss of faith.

I’m just trying to understand the “road signs.”

I’m not sure if anyone views what has been called “the One World Order” seriously, but I have. Google it, or New Age, and much of what has taken place in the past 15-20 years seems to be somehow releated.

Three Presidental Elections in a row, Catholics in VERY LARGE nubmers have voted Pro-Choice,

Not really…they may have voted anti-war, pro-ecology and pro-elderly, handicapped, education & small business…all of which the “other” administration cut deeply. It was a difficult choice between two candidates that leave much to be desired, really…

divorice among Catholics mirrors the Nation at over 50%, only 23% of professed Catholics practice their faith,

I’m not sure of what this means, what criteria are they using to say this? My parish offers five Masses on Sunday
[besides Saturday vigil] and you cannot find a parking spot, though they recently enlarged both the church and the parking lot…

and only about 10% reguallarly go to Confession.

What does regularly mean? Again, at my parish, the lines are long, often…so are they at the Shrine, with confessions from 9-5 daily.

The NO Mass. has setteled in as a “personal favorite” among even the 23%, who see nothing irreverant or wrong with laity usurping the role of the Priesthood.

How is the laity able to “usurp the role of the priesthood”? I don’t see how that’s possible…I do see the laity becoming extremely active in the life of the Church…which if you think about it…contradicts your previous statement about not “practicing”

Over 90% of Catholics,risking their very souls, regullarly use Conterception,

That statistic is impossible…not 90% of Catholics are among the age that would need contraception, some Catholics are too young or too old…a lot more than 10%…where did you get this figure?

and same sex “marriage” is gaining inroads.

Among Catholics?

Oboma has in 100 day’s overturned all of the gains of the Pro-Choice movement in the past twenty years. And He’s just getting started.

What gains? There were none…even during Bush’s administration [8 yrs.] there were none…

Their is much talk of reintroducing “The Freedom of Choice” bill, which will force Catholic radio, and TV, as well as Conserative radio underground.

Obama is rapidily Socializing America, already taking over our banks and Automotive industry, and Healthcare is next.

Actually, it was Bush who did those…Obama took over and is continuing what Bush began…much to my dislike…

Uncle Sam will then say who get’s loans and heathcare. This is alreadt true in other Socialized nations, so its more than just a guess.

Always has…always will.

But hey, maybe you’re right and I’m Parinoid. Then again, maybe I’m not.

Oboma raised {that he admitted to} over $650 Million in his campaign, for a job that pay’s how much? And their is no effort here to buy influence?

They all do…and it really bothers me…it makes no sense that they spend SO much for a campaign…that means they owe favors to a LOT of people…talk about a conflict of interest…but they ALL do that, unfortunately

Love and prayers,
Don’t listen to all you hear, unless there is good solid evidence…some of these things are not even possible…these sound like emotional manipulation by someone…anyways, the One in control will never give up control…the Holy Spirit!

Be not afraid!!! 👍
=macroom2;5184937]After reflecting on my life and the lives of others I know personally and the lives of others I have read about I believe that individual Catholics loose their faith by giving in to some habitual sin. The problem may be gambling or alcohol or pride or anger or some sexual sin or some other sin. At first the person struggles against it and goes to confession, but eventually he or she gives up and says either it’s not really a sin or it can’t be avoided. Sometimes such people stay in the Church in some minimal sense and sometimes they try something outside the Church and sometimes they end up as nothing.

All societies are made up of individuals, and so the condition of any society reflects the faith or lack of faith in its members. In the history of the Church there have been many crises. Arianism, the rise of Islam, the Reformation and the Enlightenment are just a few. So today priests, sisters, brothers as well as lay people may be embracing New Age nonsense, but that is just one current manifestation of the loss of faith. From age to age the manifestations may be different, but the solution is always the same. Each of us has to follow Jesus in the Catholic Church through prayer, reading the Bible, confession, Mass, good works and then by trying to influence those we think we can reach.
Thank you!

Again we are reminded that our Blessed Lord reminds us; “apart from ME you can do nothing.” (Jn.15:5)

We live in an age where personal choice trumps TRUTH. Where convience trumps right. Where ones “personal rights… real or imagined” carry more weight than the Bible, the Church even the Commandments are seen only as mere and optional guidelines.

The road to hell, is a “fun and exiciting ride” and very, very slippery. The more we progress in sin the easier it becomes, and the “faster and more exciting the ride.”

Pride, then disobedience, then a life of “easier choices” makes it OH, so easy to “go to hell.” And by golly, a GREAT MANY are doing it. Including disobedient priest and Bishops.And if they can, why can’t I?

Naw, not me “i’m just following my conscience.” Aah, but is you’re conscience properly infromed?

You can fool me, you can fool us, you can even fool you’re self, but never, NEVER can you fool GOD!

So party hardy, live for the moment, do as you want, or NOT! Amen!

A very thoughtful and insightful response.
Try the Lay Mission-Helpers Association - laymissionhelpers.org/ - 50 year old lay mission organization - and the Catholic Network of Volunteer Service cnvs.org/aboutus/index.php - a ‘clearing house’ of domestic and international volunteer programs. I know that the Lay Mission-Helpers has had MANY converts to Catholicism serve in their programs - Peace and blessings!
Thank you! I’ll check this out.

I think it’s great that a lot of people are concerned about the Church here in America. But at least there is a Church here. I know that I not supposed to remain here however. I already know the country, city and exact street (in the other country) that I fell called to. I know that it’s God’s will, but I also know that I’m not going to get there by doing nothing. That’s why I’m looking for help and advice.

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