A couple of Baptist Ladies knocked on my door and then...

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Hope this isn’t provocative, though the word of God is a two edged sword so it should be!
Hi Timothy. Your right, the Word of God can be provocative, unfortunately, all you gave us was your human opinion, which contradicts history, scripture and tradition and is therefore useless for us in determining truth. Then you ended your statement by acting as if you were relaying the Word of God, when in fact, your posting had little or no scripture whatsoever, unless you feel your opinion is the Word of God (which I dont think you meant …hehe)

So… now, I would invite you to back up your opinion with scripture and tradition. Please show me in scripture where Schism is a God ordained action? My Bible says that we are to be One as Christ and the Father are One.

Show me where Christ needed to open up a “new outlet” which “Rome wouldnt give”, are you getting this from scripture? My Scripture says that God is capable of anything, including preserving his Church and opening up a “new outlet” within the Church if needed. In fact, my Bible says that the Church is the pillar and foundation of truth, do you believe God was mistaken when he told us this?

Finally, my Bible says that the gates of hell would never prevail against the church…however, if what you said in your post is true, then certainly the gates of Hell did prevail against the Church, and therefore Christ had to open up another “outlet”, as you put it. Sorry, but you are directly contradicting scripture, I am going to have to go with Christ!!!

In Christ!
Catholic Tom:

You see, the Catholic Church (specifically the Apostles, and their successors), has been given the power of binding and loosening, and what it binds and looses on earth will be so in heaven. This is a very specific authority, as well as the giving of the Keys to Peter, hence the succession to the seat of Peter, Pope Benedict XVI. So if the Church excommunicates members, or whatever it does, we must be obiedient to it because Christ commands us to “he who hears you, hears me…and he who rejects you, rejects me…and he who rejects me, rejects the one who sent me”. I doubt any of this will convince you, but I hope it give you some insight on where the Catholic is coming from.
Please consider this translation: “…whatever you shall bind on earth, shall have been bound in heaven…”

All truth is in heaven, without error. After all, Jesus does sit at the right hand of the Father. There can be no new truth.

When the Catholic church “proclaims” Truth, (binds / looses), it is Truth already in Jesus… it shall have already been bound in heaven. Thus the protection Jesus gave to Peter - first and alone - and then gave to the Apostles - second, as a group and not alone - is what we understand as infallibility . It is the “negative” protection that prevents binding or loosing something that is Truth, and has already been bound or loosened in heaven in Jesus Himself.
PS though in many protestant churches they are disobeying today in ordaining women, When Jesus doesn’t protest against that!
Well asides from the methodists who protested against the anglicans!
a right mix up protesting against protestants who protest against protestants who originally protested against the church of Rome! 🙂
I have no problem with this because the protestant churches do not have valid orders, so it doesn’t matter if the person the “elect” is male, female, or shemale.
As keeping with the rest of this thread…A tad off topic, but…

What Parent would let two YOUNG girls roam about neighborhoods in todays society :bigyikes:

That they know their faith?..God Love Them :love:
That they know their bible?..God Love Them :love:
That they walk through neighborhoods?..GOD KEEP THEM SAFE :gopray2:
What Parent would let two YOUNG girls roam about neighborhoods in todays society :bigyikes:

That they know their faith?..God Love Them :love:
That they know their bible?..God Love Them :love:
That they walk through neighborhoods?..GOD KEEP THEM SAFE :gopray2:
I wondered this myself. Do their parents not realize that young girls go missing all the time. THey were just lucky that it was a nice family who answered the door and not some Ted Bundy type.
Please consider this translation: “…whatever you shall bind on earth, shall have been bound in heaven…”

All truth is in heaven, without error. After all, Jesus does sit at the right hand of the Father. There can be no new truth.

When the Catholic church “proclaims” Truth, (binds / looses), it is Truth already in Jesus… it shall have already been bound in heaven. Thus the protection Jesus gave to Peter - first and alone - and then gave to the Apostles - second, as a group and not alone - is what we understand as infallibility . It is the “negative” protection that prevents binding or loosing something that is Truth, and has already been bound or loosened in heaven in Jesus Himself.
ahh, thank you for rephrasing that explanation much better.
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