A Difference of Opinion

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So how did McConnell merit rejection from Le Moyne, a college run by the Jesuit order of priests, who are notorious for tolerating nearly any opinion? He dared to write in his “Classroom Management Plan” last November that multiculturalism has no place in his classroom and that he will firmly discipline his students, including using corporal punishment when appropriate, if legal, and the child’s parents are involved. He wrote that, unless situations dictate differently, he would treat all students alike. He would positively reinforce good behavior, heavily involve parents, and build respect instead of self-esteem. The paper earned an “A-minus” from instructor Mark Trabucco, and a note, “Interesting ideas – I’ve shared these w/ [Education Department Chair and Director of the Graduate Education Program] Dr. [Cathy] Leogrande.” Trabucco wouldn’t discuss with McConnell why he’d “shared” McConnell’s paper with Leogrande.

Less than a week before spring classes began last month, McConnell received a letter from Leogrande. She informed McConnell that he would not be allowed to register for the spring because she had “grave concerns regarding the mismatch between your personal beliefs regarding teaching and learning and the Le Moyne College program goals.” McConnell told TAS that when he tried to learn from Leogrande what the specific mismatch was, she acknowledged that his classroom philosophy as described in his paper was the only reason for his rejection.

Don’t you just love how these supposedly “liberal” and “diverse” colleges are so open to any idea - unless it differs with theirs? Makes you wonder why anyone would be proud to have their child graduate from there.
Rob's Wife:
Don’t you just love how these supposedly “liberal” and “diverse” colleges are so open to any idea - unless it differs with theirs? Makes you wonder why anyone would be proud to have their child graduate from there.
The state of higher education today is abysmal insofar as diversity of opinion is concerned; it’s a nice theory but just don’t try and implement it while you are at the mercy of the instructor who holds the grade book.
CBN.com – BERKELEY, California - The latest elections show a country divided half and half between red and blue, but you would not know it to look at today’s public universities. They have become a haven for 1960s-style radicals. So when University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill said the Americans killed on 9-11 deserved it, his words did not seem all that shocking on many campuses.

Churchhill is not the only radical Left professor who spews anti-American statements on campus these days. In fact, Dan Flynn says nearly every public university in the U.S. is dominated by the Left and an overwhelming number of liberals on the faculties. Flynn keeps an eye on such professors through the Conservative Leadership Institute and wrote about them in his book, “Intellectual Morons.”

A new study Flynn is just releasing shows how lopsidedly they donated cash to Sen. John Kerry (D-MA). He remarked, “At Harvard, for instance, for every 32 dollars that went to John Kerry, one went to George W. Bush. At MIT just down the road, it was 43 to one. At Princeton, it was about 300 dollars for Kerry for every one dollar to Bush.”

Almost half of the students recently surveyed for the American Council of Trustees and Alumni at the nation’s top 50 universities say their professors, most of them Left-leaning, comment often on politics in their classrooms, even if the course they are teaching has nothing to do with politics.

Bucknell University’s Allison Kasic told us about a chemistry class held the day after the election.

Kasic said, “Basically, half the class of an hour-and-a-half class was just spent complaining about the election and saying how dumb the country is. And how does that help you learn anything about chemistry?”

Ryan Clumpner has friends in a mechanical engineering class at the University of California, Davis. Clumpner said, “Before the election, the professor goes on a half-hour rant about President Bush.”

In the same survey, nearly a third of students said they feel they have to agree with their professors’ political or social views in order to get a good grade…"

Rob's Wife:
Don’t you just love how these supposedly “liberal” and “diverse” colleges are so open to any idea - unless it differs with theirs? Makes you wonder why anyone would be proud to have their child graduate from there.
It has been said that a liberal will always defend to the death your right to agree with him. 😉
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